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westerville school district residents -


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I can't believe that Licking Heights failed... freaking moron voters in the school district. With the current levy expiring, the new one was less money and would have had an net effect of a $30 savings per $100,000. But noooooo
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i didnt leave anyone any rep. thanks for trying to single me out though.


im not happy with the decision, but all i could do is go in and vote.


and im not selfish. you have your opinions, and thats why you can vote for what you want. i dont want to pay another $20-30/mo for schools i dont utilize, and never will.


it's ok though...if i can get my home assessed value disputed with the auditors office, it'll drop my taxes $50/mo, which like 75% of goes towards school budget...so if it goes as planned, ill come out ahead.

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