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Fort Hood closed, 7 dead, 20 wounded, stand off with swat...


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Yes, that's it. It's Obama's fault some random dude went psychotic and started shooting people.


I wonder what your explanation of timothy mcvay would be? That one was probably Obama too.


Oh, and this is what the guy looked like:




obama wasnt even around when mcvay did that shit.

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It wasnt Obamas fault. I just thought his read response to this was just cold. At least Bush spoke from the heart and tried to connect with people when this stuff happened.




Dude gave a "Shout Out" and introductory remarks to native american issues?

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From what I ubderstand there were native American leaders in DC he was supposed to meet with and ge canceled that to focus on this issue. That at least explains why he did that.


that does not mean you can give shout outs to people we have NO interest in. Who gives 2 fucks about a group of native americans at a time like that. Mention them later. That to me was a joke a of a speech and honestly made me mad to watch. I didnt think obama was that dumb.


It was a kanye west move. Fuckin jackass

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What a tragic event!


What is even more tragic is people are trying making this into an Obama issue. Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of dumb it takes to even think or joke he had anything to do with this is mind blowing and disrespectful at best.

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What a tragic event!


What is even more tragic is people are trying making this into an Obama issue. Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of dumb it takes to even think or joke he had anything to do with this is mind blowing and disrespectful at best.


X2... The only person who is to blame here is the person who did the shooting. That's what’s wrong the world today, everyone wants to blame someone else for what was done rather then take responsibility for their own actions. “Obama, did this, Obama did that” But Obama didn’t shoot up the place, and never met the guy. Yeah, after watching the clip & how he responded to the situation it is was in poor taste IMO him, giving a shout out to someone. It’s a serious issue and again IMO what ever else was going on could have taken a back seat to the shooting. But to blame anyone other then the shooter himself is just ignorant, and I’m sure the shooter is going to blame someone too and talk about how it’s the governments fault for sending him off… So congratulations to all you dumb fucks who want to pass the blame just like the shooter will do! God Bless America…

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i was being completely sarcastic for posting it was obamas fault lol. But i am less then please when someone of his power and fame gets on television and talks about fucking indians for 3 mins before even making a poor attempt at addressing the issue at hand.
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X2... The only person who is to blame here is the person who did the shooting. That's what’s wrong the world today, everyone wants to blame someone else for what was done rather then take responsibility for their own actions. “Obama, did this, Obama did that” But Obama didn’t shoot up the place, and never met the guy. Yeah, after watching the clip & how he responded to the situation it is was in poor taste IMO him, giving a shout out to someone. It’s a serious issue and again IMO what ever else was going on could have taken a back seat to the shooting. But to blame anyone other then the shooter himself is just ignorant, and I’m sure the shooter is going to blame someone too and talk about how it’s the governments fault for sending him off… So congratulations to all you dumb fucks who want to pass the blame just like the shooter will do! God Bless America…



I agree with your personal responsibility arguement. I really do. I don't blame Obama for the shooting directly. I do blame his policies that have made our front line of defense against terrorists (foreign and domestic) weaker.


Who is to say the FBI wasnt watching this guy? He obviously had some pretty questionable associations and is on record saying some pretty inflammatory things about America. Maybe the guys monitoring him were not as motivated to move on him as they were a few years ago. Maybe they are watching CIA agents get raked over the coals for doing their jobs and dont want to have their ass hanging in the wind....so they do nothing.

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i was being completely sarcastic for posting it was obamas fault lol. But i am less then please when someone of his power and fame gets on television and talks about fucking indians for 3 mins before even making a poor attempt at addressing the issue at hand.


Some people make a living cracking bad jokes :)


I could care less when Obama really has to say about this, the important thing is to give the shooter the chair or run him over with a tank. I am sure he will love to get the islamic form of justice that he thinks is teh cat's meow.


/thread jack

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Apparently the weapon used was an FN57. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I beleive that it is a pistol that fires what appear to be rifle cartridges? Anyone?


Yea, I heard he used a FiveSeven as well. It fires the the 5.7x28mm cartridge, of the rimless bottleneck design; not really a 'rifle cartridge,' per se. It's nothing special despite all the hype it seems to get. The shooter would likely have done more damage with a simple 9mm.

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