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I was thinking I am sure there are enough people on here who play the lottery why dont we get cr together set up an account and play the mega millions together???


we can set it so it is either a one buck or two buck buy in ( you get the idea) and play???


Anyone intersted I am sure we could have a better shot and we have plenty of people on here...

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When do we start,lol ? Who will be charge ? Maybe a paypal account to hold the money .


lol well I Thoght someone everyone could agree on like maybe Anthony or doc... then when we get the tickets they can post the numbers so we will all know what they are etc...

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A legal contract drawn up by an Atty, and all "members" signing it, would be the only way I would trust a "CR Lotto Group"...






I agree ,after thinking about it you would want something to back up your ticket/money. Playing the lotto is such a longshot anyway your chances are slim to none.

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I agree ,after thinking about it you would want something to back up your ticket/money. Playing the lotto is such a longshot anyway your chances are slim to none.


agreed but tell me you dont wast 5 bucks a week on something anyway..


Hell I would be happy if i won 100 bucks let alone IF we happen to hit it big

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I would still do it if we could work out some details. Im pretty busy with my work so I could not handle any of the holding of the money and ticket buying but I would throw a buck or 2 in if enough others would want to. Someone would have to start a paypal account or similiar to hold the money and to show proof of who actually bought the tickets or ticket.
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i wonder how many new camaro's corvette's and mustangs would be bought if CR won the mega millions ????


There would sure be a spike in car sales. I'd be interested but I don't see how it could work very well unless we have a meet somewhere about an hour before the drawing.

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I"d be down, but no paypal account. Would rather meet up with cash. Car sales would have a huge spike, as would Jegs sales, single-wides, and cut off jean shorts with the amount of Camaro owners we have on here.
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