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stupid worthless organs


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I just read an article that some scientist/doctors think that it may still have a bit of use. The theory is that it now acts as a sort of pocket in your GI tract to hold certain bacteria that helps in the digestion process.


I doubt that's been 100% proven.

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my best friend in PA just had his finace go thru it. she got real sharp pains and wasn't feeling good, went to ER and was in surgery not long after that.


i had mine out as a baby. my mom said i started with a scar about 1.5" (makes sense since i was a baby), and now that im an adult its probably 5" long

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Get that shit out of there, my uncle died when his burst.


it was removed 3hrs after the cat scan now it just sucks as I worked 7 days a week lifting more then 10lbs and now i am jobeless had to end my contract early. they also said if i would of waited a day longer mine would have burst

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my best friend in PA just had his finace go thru it. she got real sharp pains and wasn't feeling good, went to ER and was in surgery not long after that.


i had mine out as a baby. my mom said i started with a scar about 1.5" (makes sense since i was a baby), and now that im an adult its probably 5" long


mine was removed right around the belly button not as sore as i thought i would be which is nice

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goodluck man. Mine started to hurt a day before my birthday on may30th this year. had sharp pains on my side. didn't know what was up. went to the er and they did some scans and looky looky, I got apendacitis. I had to get operation that night to get it out. hope all goes well. mine was removed on the right side looking down so it would be the left side if you were looking at me
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I just read an article that some scientist/doctors think that it may still have a bit of use. The theory is that it now acts as a sort of pocket in your GI tract to hold certain bacteria that helps in the digestion process.


I doubt that's been 100% proven.


yep... we have no useless organs!

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