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Billboard: "Don't Believe in God? You are not alone." in columbus.


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I mean, I am not against any sort of belief system. I find it interesting to think about all the what if's, I guess I didn't really see the point of the thread at first which is why I reacted the way I did. Since most threads on here that involve religion is a complete bashing of one side or another.
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^^ on 23 i believe


there's one I think on 70W that says "Jesus Is Real" and has commandments on the back. I think its funny because there are very very few people who deny the existence of Jesus, they just question his place as the son of God.

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Frankly, I think anyone who feels that science and faith are mutually exclusive is being closed-minded. Kind of like someone who only votes along party lines. Faith is about the "Why" of the universe, Science is about the "How."


Personally, science confirms my faith. The Big Bang, Evolution, even a single cell; "God's" fingerprints are everywhere. What parent doesn't want their children to grow and learn from them, and eventually surpass them?

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Frankly, I think anyone who feels that science and faith are mutually exclusive is being closed-minded. Kind of like someone who only votes along party lines. Faith is about the "Why" of the universe, Science is about the "How."


Personally, science confirms my faith. The Big Bang, Evolution, even a single cell; "God's" fingerprints are everywhere. What parent doesn't want their children to grow and learn from them, and eventually surpass them?



That would be touching if you weren't so god damn wrong. ;)

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Prove it. :cool:


If Georges Lemaître could propose the Big Bang Theory AND be a Catholic Priest, I don't see why there's no possibility.


So you like being wrong too, you guys should start a church and call it the "Church of Wrongology". You can use a sophisticated machine that hooks up to your fingertips, that will measure just how wrong you are. Then when you have a proper measurement, you will see an advisor who will cleanse you of your wrong by kicking you in the balls, exactly one kick for every unit measured by the wrongometer. Then you can star in Mission Wrongpossible 2, and jump on a couch with joy.







Hmmm ... just doesn't have the same impact without a billboard ...










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Well, to get back on topic... There's nothing wrong with the sign. It's no different that a billion others out there including the handful I see for religion on the way to Dayton. You wanna get rid of something? Get rid of the damn crosses, flowers, etc from the side of the road. I understand a mourning period, however, I think enough is enough after a year. I know I risk seeming a bit insensitive without further comment, but, eh, it's a forum and you don't have to type all this. lol
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Well, to get back on topic... There's nothing wrong with the sign. It's no different that a billion others out there including the handful I see for religion on the way to Dayton. You wanna get rid of something? Get rid of the damn crosses, flowers, etc from the side of the road. I understand a mourning period, however, I think enough is enough after a year. I know I risk seeming a bit insensitive without further comment, but, eh, it's a forum and you don't have to type all this. lol

There's a small memorial on the side of 161 near Sawmill that's been there for ~3 years. Whoever is upkeeping it changes the decorations on it with respect to the current season. Every time I pass it, I think exactly what you just posted.

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So you like being wrong too, you guys should start a church and call it the "Church of Wrongology". You can use a sophisticated machine that hooks up to your fingertips, that will measure just how wrong you are. Then when you have a proper measurement, you will see an advisor who will cleanse you of your wrong by kicking you in the balls, exactly one kick for every unit measured by the wrongometer. Then you can star in Mission Wrongpossible 2, and jump on a couch with joy.


The Scientologists are already using all of those machines.

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I'm atheist but I don't go around bashing yelling it to everyone, and I don't hate on people that are firm believers in god, or a higher being.


But, with all the, "God is Real" signs I've seen before I guess it's only fair. I could give two shits less about the sign.


I don't think religion is something you should push onto someone, it's something you have to find yourself.

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They have tv commercials I was like WTF.


They also have their own private navy where they sign a contract for 1 billion years, where you must return as your reincarnation to serve for the remainder of your term.


Thats not too bad, really. Whats 1 billion years compared to the Galactic Confederacy's ruling of the universe for eighty trillion years.


I don't care what religion anyone is or isn't...as long as you aren't a scientologist. Oh, and everything I just wrote is 100% accurate to scientologist beliefs.

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They also have their own private navy where they sign a contract for 1 billion years, where you must return as your reincarnation to serve for the remainder of your term.


Thats not too bad, really. Whats 1 billion years compared to the Galactic Confederacy's ruling of the universe for eighty trillion years.


I don't care what religion anyone is or isn't...as long as you aren't a scientologist. Oh, and everything I just wrote is 100% accurate to scientologist beliefs.


I knew about all that. I just don't watch tv for the most part and just caught one recently and I kinda stood there like WTF where is anonymous when weneed them !.

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there's one I think on 70W that says "Jesus Is Real" and has commandments on the back. I think its funny because there are very very few people who deny the existence of Jesus, they just question his place as the son of God.


The "HELL IS REAL" and the commandments one you mentioned are both on 71 South of Columbus, within about 1/4mile of each other. I used to pass them about four times a week.

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I'm atheist but I don't go around bashing yelling it to everyone, and I don't hate on people that are firm believers in god, or a higher being.


But, with all the, "God is Real" signs I've seen before I guess it's only fair. I could give two shits less about the sign.


I don't think religion is something you should push onto someone, it's something you have to find yourself.


I am Catholic and I agree with you completely.

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I am Catholic and I agree with you completely.


I'm Christian and I'll push you. In the face.



It really doesn't matter who's right. If there's no God, I'm good. If there is a Heaven, I get through on my name alone. Loopholes, baby, loopholes. ;)

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I'm Christian and I'll push you. In the face.



It really doesn't matter who's right. If there's no God, I'm good. If there is a Heaven, I get through on my name alone. Loopholes, baby, loopholes. ;)


No, you'll take a very hot vacation alongside Thorne.

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There's a small memorial on the side of 161 near Sawmill that's been there for ~3 years. Whoever is upkeeping it changes the decorations on it with respect to the current season. Every time I pass it, I think exactly what you just posted.


I keep waiting to read a news story about someone being killed in a traffic accident while pulled over to decorate the site where someone died in a traffic accident :)

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