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MW2 thoughts


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You guys just need to get on some good teams, so people that don't suck can watch your back. You have to keep moving to keep people from running up behind you, just check all the corners for corner-campers, and people laying in the brush and such. If your doing terrible, just post up on a rooftop or behind the enemy objective and defend for a minute or two until you're back to even k/d. If the enemy has a UAV let them come to you, or shoot it down (takes like, 30 rounds). Just don't hide in a field where they can see you from afar. If you're getting owned, use perks like cold-blooded and ninja so it's harder to find you. Always use silencers if possible. Need more?


And always always make sure you're not in a laggy room. You won't have a chance. Ask Chris how pissed he gets playing on my shit?:p

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I just get pissed when I shoot someone and they just turn around and shoot and kill me. which I know they have been playing longer and have more perks. thats why I ask if there are cheats or something to get all the good weapons and such. and I don't play enough to memorize the maps.
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That happens to me all the time. It's because you're lagging, and shooting where they were or are going to be, so they just turn around and shoot where you are. Look on the killcam and I bet it either shoes you shooting 10 ft ahead or behind them, or not at all. Some people are just super sketchy too. Might try the one-hit-kill weapons like shotties, throwing knife, or semtex. You can't get away from those- you hit you kill.
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Not to mention, some these kids live and breath these games. I have no desire to sit at home for 12hrs a day playing MW2 just so I can be the best motherfucker that ever lived when it comes to playing. I just accept the fact that I'll never be anywhere near that good.
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Not to mention, some these kids live and breath these games. I have no desire to sit at home for 12hrs a day playing MW2 just so I can be the best motherfucker that ever lived when it comes to playing. I just accept the fact that I'll never be anywhere near that good.


LOL. Yup, I remember this vividly when I had my XBOX live account. Nothing like being beat by a shit talking 12 year old.

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im starting to really get into the multiplayer more. once you get your guns and perks set up nicely you enjoy it more. i dunno how i feel about the heartbeat censer though. i tend to watch it too much and die outta nowhere.


but im loving the silencers on the sniper rifles. and claymores are not used as much, esp since you only get one now. which is good.

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Overall I think it was a huuuuge improvement from CoD4. The graphics are so detailed its ridiculous.


Would any of you CR guys be down to get a little Cincy tournament going or something? I know a lot of guys play down here so it could be fun to get some private matches going.

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OMG 3/10 of one second is a long time. OH NOESZ!!one


Yeah, it is. You get into a room with NON-noobs, and .30 seconds will make or break a fight. You run out of ammo on a group of guys, better get that pistol out and make them count. Been there done that, on MW2.

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I can head shot with a g18 in close corners. I make much more kills with that then any of the shotguns. No need to swap guns then. It is just like counterstrike. Before you walk around the corner I know exactly where your head will be and my gun is already pointed there.
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So people just wait around corners for you at pre-determined distances? That's a neat trick. If they're close enough for a headshot with a pistol, they're should be close enough for a knife. A shotgun will always beat a pistol at close range, whether it's a body shot or a headshot.
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So people just wait around corners for you at pre-determined distances? That's a neat trick. If they're close enough for a headshot with a pistol, they're should be close enough for a knife. A shotgun will always beat a pistol at close range, whether it's a body shot or a headshot.


No it is called flanking people and making them walk around the right corner at the right time. I do it in single player all the time. Only works in close places when there is 3 or more people there. Knifing would take too long. If it is a tunnel it works even better. Try it in single player where you have to equip night vision in that prison. You can find a G18 in the armory.

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damm i havent seen the nuke yet how does that work i know its 25 kill streek but what happens in the game?


When you call in a nuke, a timer starts counting down, with a little nuke symbol in the corner, you can see it hit out on the horizon and see the blast wave coming towards you, then everything goes white, and everyone dies including yourself.


I've been nuked and called in a nuke twice. Ask RymerC I nuked his ass, even though we were on the same team.

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No it is called flanking people and making them walk around the right corner at the right time. I do it in single player all the time. Only works in close places when there is 3 or more people there. Knifing would take too long. If it is a tunnel it works even better. Try it in single player where you have to equip night vision in that prison. You can find a G18 in the armory.


Oh man, single player and online play are two very very different animals. Especially with commando you can knife someone from a good 10+ feet away. I've been knifed many many times by people on the other side of the street from me, seriously. Flanking is a crucial strategy in most game modes, but that involves coming up behind people in which case they're not walking into you, but walking away from you typically.

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