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WTB Shotgun or other home defense and hand gun


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Our master bedroom is 18x26. I highly doubt an intruder will get up and come after me if I blast a 6" spread of number 2 birdshot at a distance of 20ft. Chances are they will be quite fucked up and no longer a threat. If they are, there's several more rounds waiting.


All the gun experts and Iraq vets on CR can pound chests all day long. Congrats to you for being crack shots and experienced in the field having little to no fear. Thanks for serving the country /that talk. Truth however, is that not everyone is you nor a member of SWAT and that in the hands of an average Joe protecting his house the chances of firing int he dark, under a home invasion with adrenaline at levels they've never seen, the likelihood of missing the target is high.


That said, if you live in the country on a 2 acre lot, then by all means enjoy your 00 Buckshot with the final two rounds of deer slugs to finish the job with no worries. Living in the burbs or an apartment however, I'm not likely going to lose a civil suite for turning a home invader into the elephant man. I am however, very likely to do time if I injure or kill a neighbor or my own son who is but a few layers of drywall away due to not being responsible and thus endangering their lives of others while attempting to guard my own.


Again, I’m sure many “experts” think that it's not enough, but it's pretty well known that in the close confines of an in-home shooting where few people will be taking shots longer than 20 feet, lead shot is lethal. Killing the intruder doesn't protect you in a law suite anyway. In Ohio you can still be sued by the victim’s family/estate. In fact that's more likely to happen than you being killed by a zombie-thug with 1-2 rounds of #2 Shot in his gut.


Don't take my comments for not understanding the effectiveness of number 1 or 00 Buck.....sure they are more effective..but not every application is the same. Just like not everyone "needs" a 450hp LSx to go fast.


You are an idiot if you go around shooting into the sky or close to your target when you get invaded. Cocking your pump action shot gun shot get the point across.


The only fucking time you should shoot or shoot "someone" is if your life or families life is in danger. And when your shot hits the invader you need to make it so they do not get up. If you think otherwise you don't need a gun for home self defense. Go get a german shepard instead.

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Again, I doubt plugging a crack-head with #2 shot from the close confines of a home is going to result in him being transformed into some raging bull that's going to come after you.


This proves you have no idea what cocaine does to you. Pain does not occur on cocaine. It is possible they will come after you after you shoot them. You might as well take 1 precise shot that puts them down for good. Dead men don't tell stories.

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You are an idiot if you go around shooting into the sky or close to your target when you get invaded. Cocking your pump action shot gun shot get the point across.


The only fucking time you should shoot or shoot "someone" is if your life or families life is in danger. And when your shot hits the invader you need to make it so they do not get up. If you think otherwise you don't need a gun for home self defense. Go get a german shepard instead.


Not sure where you were going with this? Unless you're referencing my comment about missing, but like I said, not everyone is a rock-steady Iraq vet that's a crack shot under the pressure of a burglary at night.


This proves you have no idea what cocaine does to you. Pain does not occur on cocaine. It is possible they will come after you after you shoot them. You might as well take 1 precise shot that puts them down for good. Dead men don't tell stories.


You're right, I have no first hand experience shooting anyone high on Coke nor have I been jacked up on coke then inflicted a painful injury upon myself to know if I can actually feel the pain. However, I have seen what a blast from various rounds of shotguns will do at close range. Just about any of them are going to work in close confines. If you don't believe me, then how about you and another gun expert here line up at a 15' distance, you can have 00 buck in your 12ga and they can load up with #2 birdshot. They get to shoot first. Let me know if your return shot hits them.


Being jacked up on Coke wasn't going to help this guy:




I don't think this perp is going to fuck with you again either:


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