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UFC 106 Predictions


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Ortiz vs Griffin

The question here is where are these guys heads at? Ortiz has not fought in long time and is supposed to be at 100% Griffin is supposed to be recovered from his loss to Silva. This fight could get very messy if Griffin still has a chin I think Tito is in for a long night since he really does not have much of a ground game outside of ground and pound.


Griffin finishes this one


Koscheck vs Johnson

Fight of the night right here. Two very heavy handed guys that like to bring it on their feet. Koscheck has much better wrestling but Johnson is a big SOB for this weight class.


Johnson wins


Sadollah vs Baroni

Oh great Baroni is back in the UFC. That is all we need a stuck on himself New Yorker who runs his mouth like a pissed off prego woman. Last fight of his I saw was a timed mauling at the hands of Vitor Belfort.


Baroni will somehow win this fight and stay in the UFC until he folds like a card table.


Cane vs Nogueira

This has the potential to be a timed mauling. Little Nog is just a smaller version of his brother and that is bad news for the 205 pound class. He is good on his feet and on the ground and was a monster in Pride.


Little Nog wins and starts his climb to the top.


Oh and for teh Brock haters he might be done. He is very sick and getting being sent to the Mayo clinic by the UFC to find out what is wrong.

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this is one i would not buy, i will watch it somewhere though


Ortiz vs Griffin

a lot of questions about both fighters, i don't know, my heart say the hometown boy

but i dunno, if Tito if 100% and Griffin acts even remotely like he did his last fight, this could be a win for Tito

i'm gonna say Griffin for the win though


Koscheck vs Johnson

Rumbles a big boy alright, i think he beats Koschecks ass


Sadollah vs Baroni

i don't care, i cant stand either one


Cane vs Nogueira

Nogueria establishes himself in this class


i also think the Ben Saunders vs Marcus Davis fight could be very good


but i am honestly more pumped about the FREE Brown vs Aldo fight Wednesday on Versus

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Griffin wins

Koscheck wins

Sadollah wins

Little Nog wins


I was pulling for Koscheck but did not know if he could pull it off. He should be fighting for the title...


Sadollah really shocked me, I thought he was going to be a bum but instead puts on a how to fuck someone up with clinch knees and leg kicks seminar.


Little Nog is going to fight for the title in a year, you can quote me on that. The light heavy weight division is going to have to really take notice of him.

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