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anyone hunt Pheasant?


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I used to pen raise pheasants the last couple years and decided to take this year off from it but while hunting them we always took them to the pheasants forever fields at deer creek and turned them loose ... occasionally some of them got loose.. then at the end of the year we on average turned 20-25 birds loose there to try and up the population. i have always tagged out at deer creek just going with a good dog. If you are free sometime in the next few weeks i could drive around with you and show you some good places to hunt. plus i need to get my beagles out and let them run some rabbits before i hunt over the dogs..
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I used to pen raise pheasants the last couple years and decided to take this year off from it but while hunting them we always took them to the pheasants forever fields at deer creek and turned them loose ... occasionally some of them got loose.. then at the end of the year we on average turned 20-25 birds loose there to try and up the population.

That's great of you to do that.


i have always tagged out at deer creek just going with a good dog.

That's good to hear. This was my first trip to Deer Creek and wasn't sure how it was going to go. We hunted a couple fields close to the shooting range. The first one was some seriously thick shit that I don't see myself going back into and the second was more or less a grassy field and that's where the 9 month old pup flushed all three. Actually pretty impressive for her first time out hunting.


If you are free sometime in the next few weeks i could drive around with you and show you some good places to hunt.

Sounds good. I'll PM you my number.


I need to get my beagles out and let them run some rabbits before i hunt over the dogs..

I've always wanted to rabbit hunt, just never had a dog to take out for rabbit.

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Zach, What's your gauge/load of choice? I'm using 2.5in 20ga #6 and #7 shot and just picked up some Winchester 3in steel #4 today to give a try. I've read that a lot of people like the steel #4's that's why I bought them. I always thought #4 was more for duck. Guess I'll find out this Friday morning.


The last few years I've used a Beretta 12ga autoloader. This year I bought a Charles Daly 20ga autoloader off a guy here on CR and I'm damn glad I did. The weight reduction alone was worth the price I paid for the 20ga

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used to hunt pheasant all the time, but havent been out in probably 8 years...i'd love to get out


and a #4 is more of a duck load, but it would work for pheasant...dont see why you're shooting with steel though...lead is heavier and i prefer to shoot with it


i'd be down for a friday morning hunt...im off every friday thru november...just need to get my license again.

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  evan9381 said:
used to hunt pheasant all the time, but havent been out in probably 8 years...i'd love to get out


and a #4 is more of a duck load, but it would work for pheasant...dont see why you're shooting with steel though...lead is heavier and i prefer to shoot with it


i'd be down for a friday morning hunt...im off every friday thru november...just need to get my license again.


Lead also isn't allowed in some places, due to being toxic or some shit. A state park is probably one of those places.

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  Austin said:
Lead also isn't allowed in some places, due to being toxic or some shit. A state park is probably one of those places.


like i said...i havent hunted in years...when i used to hunt weekly, lead was ALWAYS toxic for duck hunting (because of the ponds/marshes, etc) so it was always non toxic (steel, that remington hevi-shot). we always hunted with lead for pheasant/rabbit and im 100% sure it was legal then...the guy i hunted with was such a stickler for rules, and not in a bad way), that i know we wouldnt have made a mistake that dumb.

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I usually use a 12g with #5 or 6 shot.... Although i love taking the 20ga and using #4


as far as rabbit .... i dont even carry a shotgun.. i would rather watch my dogs for their and other hunters security. I sometimes would rather just watch the dogs hunt than hunt myself

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  Z28Zach said:
this is some good ammo... used it last year dropped every bird i shot


my only regret was stopping hunting when i was 17 when i couldnt afford it, and now being more than able to afford it and cant make time to get out. lol


good times out in the marsh with a buddy, shotgun, and a thermos of coffee

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I would like to get a hunt together sometime when the weather gets colder and its easier for the dog to work.... we can rabbit and pheasant doesnt matter to me i will provide the dogs.. My only concern is not knowing the people i hunt with all that well. I myself will prob not even take the gun out of the house since i will provide the dogs and will be watching them all day. but if anyone is interested i will try to set a date and go from there. i am off on fridays and mondays. i like to encourge guys to bring their kids out i love to bring the youth into the hunting community (rather than video games and drugs) if shot guns are needed for youth i have a few single shot 410's and 20 ga guns that they are more than welcome to use. ( but i will ask them help me clean them after the hunt lol ) My only thing is SAFETY i would just want everyone to be safe and enjoy the hunt. I might be able to get together MAYBE 10 or so pen birds but i would have to make some calls and see if my buddy has any... Like i said if anyone is interested let me know and i get a list together
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thats cool lets see how the thread goes and see how many people wanna go if noone commits then me and you and mark will just go out. I would rather stay away from public land on Sat. and Sun cause there is always alot of people out there and my dogs are like my kids and if someone were to shot them i would have to do the same to them. I might be able to get some private property locked in for a day or so i will just make some phone calls tomo while i am at work.
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damn. sounds good.


i had this piece of property towards the end of when i was still hunting...was out at delaware hunting pheasant and a guy rolled up running his dogs, said he had property in marengo with geese he wanted gone, and we could hunt there all we wanted. shot more geese there in a few weekends than i did ever in my years of hunting...he even let us use his kayak to put out decoys, gave us fresh chicken eggs to take home...was friggin sweet. lol



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  Z28Zach said:
on another note maybe we should all get together and shoot some trap out at my family's property before we go hunting just to get the feel for it again.. i dont know how many times i have missed a big rooster and wished i practiced more. lol


sounds good with me.

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I'll go do either guys. I have a couple boxes of skeet in the garage I can bring out.

Zach, you mentioned how packed the public land is on weekends..... Have you ever been out the morning after ODNR has one of their scheduled releases? It's total chaos and I'll never go back out the morning after a release. I've seen guys get into fist fights over getting crowded by other hunters and the worst part is they have their kids right beside them while making an ass out of themselves.

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I used to hunt alot with my Dad when i was younger. I have been saying that I was going to get out pheasant hunting for the last 13 years or so since I went last. This year I finally did it. The wife has been going with me also, which is great because I don't know anyone else nearby that hunts. I don't have a dog, so having another person to kick through the brush with is helpful.


I have been to Delaware state park a few times but have only seen pheasants out on the road. I see alot of guys with dogs that seem to be having luck but so far I have no pheasant meat.

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  Z28Zach said:
I would rather stay away from public land on Sat. and Sun cause there is always alot of people out there

True story. It has been packed up here in Delaware on the weekends for sure. I make sure I get out there before its even actually light enough to hunt so that I can try and stake a decent spot before the crowds roll in. Unfortunately I have all my vacation days booked and since it gets dark now at 5 PM (when I get off) that's the only days I can go.

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  Mark said:
I'll go do either guys. I have a couple boxes of skeet in the garage I can bring out.

Zach, you mentioned how packed the public land is on weekends..... Have you ever been out the morning after ODNR has one of their scheduled releases? It's total chaos and I'll never go back out the morning after a release. I've seen guys get into fist fights over getting crowded by other hunters and the worst part is they have their kids right beside them while making an ass out of themselves.


this is alittle off subject but my brother and I was going to deer creek the 2nd day of dear gun around noon we showed up to a differant spot. we get out of the truck get all our gear together and start to have a pop/coffee. 1 min later a brandnew landrover pulls up and two middle aged guys get out and start unloading their gear (no big deal deer creek is huge) untill everything they pull out of the truck has brand new tags on it. shirts.boots....socks....jackets.....and most of all the guns were still in there cardboard boxes. it was clear that this was their first public land hunt or possibly 1st deer gun hunt ever. me and my brother are pretty good guys so we walked over to start conversation and see if they needed some help and they talked to us like we were just a bunch of toothless hicks(which were not) so we turned around got in the truck and left.. come to find out my brother called me later that night and said that someone shot their self in the foot at deer creek that day. lol . to this day i wonder if it was one of them two guys.

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