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In fact Mr Hal here's a better idea STEP 1, fill bath tub with water STEP 2, grab toaster STEP 3, plug in toaster STEP 4, get into tub with plugged in toaster STEP 5 submerge plugged in toaster in water. Repeat as necessary.


Ehh. That may be a bit tough with the installed GFI's. Kind of a waste of energy to get back out of the tub every time to reset the breaker. I'd rather just bathe and be comfortable.

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Mr Hal here's the short bus version for you.........track day=stand around and talk about what car just ran......................racing event=actual racing money to win, etc . (COL VS CLE IN PLACE OF TRACK DAY YOU FUCKING IDIOT) if this is too hard for you to understand don't ever breed.


Ok, so you're now talking about street racing?


Think about the words you're typing. Track day = people gathered at a track to race (that can be for money). What other type of racing are you talking about?


That's the short bus version for you. You're either talking about doing this at a track (ie. track day, people gathered together for a common purpose at a track) or on the street.

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In fact Mr Hal here's a better idea STEP 1, fill bath tub with water STEP 2, grab toaster STEP 3, plug in toaster STEP 4, get into tub with plugged in toaster STEP 5 submerge plugged in toaster in water. Repeat as necessary.


Oh you want to play this game?


I'll take it easy on you. Search my posts for "kill yourself" and see what kind of instructions you come up with. I'm pretty sure you're way out of your league here Captain Dipshit.

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Ehh. That may be a bit tough with the installed GFI's. Kind of a waste of energy to get back out of the tub every time to reset the breaker. I'd rather just bathe and be comfortable.


Are you fucking stupid? Here's the short bus version for you. GFI's don't matter, that's just people standing around thinking about safety devices. He's talking about real suicide, for money to win!

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any day you want to have a battle of witts bring it on bottom feeder and i go to track days no real racing going on YOU FUCKING MORON all people do is stand around and talk about what they ran I never said anything about street racing eithr retard I said lets have an organized event. eliminations, classes etc as OPPOSED TO STANDING AROUND BULL SHITTING. That can be done in a parking lot. I understand this is a hard concept for you to grasp. SOOOOOOOO STEP 1 show up to track STEP 2 tech in STEP 3 decide what class you want race in. IE 10.0 11.0 12.0 STEP 4 attempt to win said class. NOT WASTE A WHOLE DAY AT THE TRACK LOOKING UNDER HOODS AND TALKING Like i said don't breed there's enough stupidity in our world without you adding more.
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Let me try to save this internet abortion of a thread.


1. If you want to bracket race that bad trails does it at least 2 days a week.

2. Track days in their current form are more like time trials that is why they are they way they are.

3. I am pretty sure the cost/insurance from the tracks is the reason there is no "race" type format.

4. You want to help put on something more race like let me know (this is the portion of the show where most people give up because it is easier for them to complain than do something)


Does this cover everything? Not trying to be a dick but it gets very old when people complain about a track day when they are totally clueless what it takes to put one on or the cost.


Now back to Hal shredding you.

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thank you that's a better answer than "That's what track days are for" It's not the fact that i want to bracket race that badly i just enjoy racing as do most people. Yes i'm down for finding out what it would take to setup something in race format. So who's interested in putting something together is the main focus of my question to begin with.
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any day you want to have a battle of witts bring it on bottom feeder and i go to track days no real racing going on YOU FUCKING MORON all people do is stand around and talk about what they ran I never said anything about street racing eithr retard I said lets have an organized event. eliminations, classes etc as OPPOSED TO STANDING AROUND BULL SHITTING. That can be done in a parking lot. I understand this is a hard concept for you to grasp. SOOOOOOOO STEP 1 show up to track STEP 2 tech in STEP 3 decide what class you want race in. IE 10.0 11.0 12.0 STEP 4 attempt to win said class. NOT WASTE A WHOLE DAY AT THE TRACK LOOKING UNDER HOODS AND TALKING Like i said don't breed there's enough stupidity in our world without you adding more.


Ok, we can have a battle of "witts". I think that your first "sentence" shows that you are no match for anyone on here in the wit department.


You go to track days? No real racing? Is there fake racing? People talk about what they ran even though there is no real racing? How do they accomplish that? there is some element of racing there.


So you want an organized event, like a track day. All of that can be setup at any track day. Can you contradict yourself anymore?


I don't want to breed because of people like you. I wouldn't want to have to euthanize my child because they can't even think on the level of a trained chimp (like you). If I were you, I would be far more concerned with my obvious lack of logic and education. I would strongly suggest you follow one of my prescribed methods of suicide. Some of them are so simple, even a fool like you couldn't fail.

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what are your thoughts on having real race events for CR to settle alot of shit talking? heads up racing, maybe even some road course racing?

I think we shared thoughts.


haha i understand track days is where you can do it so wound everyone want to is the question

So you like track days?


Do you read and think before you type or are you that stupid? I'm talking about setting up a racing event, not stand around at track days talking about what your car just ran.

So now you're not talking about track days?


Columbus VS Cleveland at 42 next year... lets make it happen.

Just so I can clarify what Brian was saying, Dragway 42 is a track.


thats what i'm talking about.

So now you like setting up another track day under a different name?



Make some sense, stop contradicting yourself with every post. I think I'm done here, your stupidity has shown through completely.

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Let me try to save this internet abortion of a thread.


1. If you want to bracket race that bad trails does it at least 2 days a week.

2. Track days in their current form are more like time trials that is why they are they way they are.

3. I am pretty sure the cost/insurance from the tracks is the reason there is no "race" type format.

4. You want to help put on something more race like let me know (this is the portion of the show where most people give up because it is easier for them to complain than do something)


Does this cover everything? Not trying to be a dick but it gets very old when people complain about a track day when they are totally clueless what it takes to put one on or the cost.


Now back to Hal shredding you.

1. True, however an organized gathering would still constitute an event most likely referred to as a "track day".

2. Time trials are fine, however it is still two cars lined up next to each other. That can be planned out into bracket racing in the staging lanes.

3. It really is a "race" format, just not organized in the way this moron wants.

4. I would suggest getting a more intelligent helper than the OP.


That being said, I think you touched on some good points.


Holy shit I just realized I triple tripled.

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Not to point out the obvious but the reason there is alot of standing around during track days is because I am pretty sure that only 2 cars can go at any one time. Plus there is gonna be people ahead of you so you have to wait. So what else is there to do when you are waiting?


Not to point out the obvious but sit alone in silence.




Isn't the BS and catching up with people half the fun?

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First off in no way did I contradict myself by giving two names for the same event if you want to call it a track day thats fine however you fucking moron for your small intellece i chose to sparate between what YOU were refering to as a TRACK DAY and what I was refering to as a RACING EVENT so you could follow. I understand this is a hard concept for you to follow so i will put this very plain and simple: You can be on the track run your car next to another car and not be racing. You can go to a TRACK DAY and race on or two people for a little money and some shit talking rights. HOWEVER YOU CAN"T LOSE AT A COLUMBUS RACING TRACK DAY BE OUT OF A COMPETITION THE WAY IT STANDS. I'm hoping your two brain cells will stop playing freeze tag long enough to comprehend that statement. There is nothing wrong with standing around bullshiting catching up blah blah blah however It would add a little more fun something to lose and something worth showing up running your fucking car all out if we had an organized RACING event not lets see how many times i can hot lap my car, i'll run this guy just to shut him up etc. do you understand that i have in no way contradicted myself and that you are so fucking stupid you cannot tell the difference between two separate subjects?

There is so much shit talking and everythihng else on here about who can and can't drive who's that best driver etc. let do a TRACK DAY but organize it so it's in a format where some one will win over all and some one will take 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. Holy shit what a novel idea. There is in no way shape or form anyone would call it a racing event out side of yeah i raced this guy at the track day. Are you grasping the concept now HAL or you i need to draw you a fucking picture?

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First off in no way did I contradict myself by giving two names for the same event if you want to call it a track day thats fine however you fucking moron for your small intellece


I stopped reading right there. I don't think there's anything else I can say to make you look more retarded.

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"I chose to sparate between what YOU were refering to as a TRACK DAY and what I was refering to as a RACING EVENT so you could follow."


Here is the rest of that thought broken down jackass AWWWW look I did make a full thought. Please excuse my typing errors as it's hard for me to type fast, i don't live in front of the computer i have a real life and job, but my kid is sick and I'm stuck inside.

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"I chose to sparate between what YOU were refering to as a TRACK DAY and what I was refering to as a RACING EVENT so you could follow."


Here is the rest of that thought broken down jackass AWWWW look I did make a full thought. Please excuse my typing errors as it's hard for me to type fast, i don't live in front of the computer i have a real life and job, but my kid is sick and I'm stuck inside.


Those aren't typing errors, stop kidding yourself. I don't think you want to start pointing out what a sentence is. I didn't chop anything to fit my needs. I stopped reading after multiple "typing errors" where you couldn't even spell intelligence.


You need to read again. I don't think you understand what a track day is. I don't think you even understand what you're thinking.


If you want to play the job card, go for it. I have a job too, actually, it's a career. I don't really care if you're kid is sick. I'm assuming you don't care either because you'd rather spend your time failing at everything on the internet.

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