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Bah Humbug!

Trouble Maker

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Who gives a fuck when people put up their tree or christmas lights or when the stores start advertising. Is it wrong for people to look forward to something? Christmas or "the Holiday Season" means different things to different people so let them do their thing and you do yours...


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Here is scientific proof that more then half of Americans rather wait until after thanksgiving to start Christmas sales and the such






So trample someones rights because "more then half of America" thinks otherwise. Gotcha. Majority rule and all, right?

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I'm right with OP on this. I'll be the first to bitch and moan to myself when I see this kinda crap happening, but I'm not gonna go shit on them for celebrating. It's not that I don't love baby Jesus, or time with family, it's just a little overwhelming for a cranky cynical shut-in.
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