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Big thanks to Steven Lenegar!


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I have had a goal to increase my bench from 225 to 315 and i didnt think i was going to hit my goal and asked him to help me out.


Well, with some change to my form and some pointers i was able to get it!


Starting monday he will have me on a weight loss workout and diet plan! I will updating this thread when the weight finnally comes off.


Thanks again Steven.


I reccomend him to anyone looking for help, he knows his stuff.

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he's a big guy, so its not like you or me hitting 315. although it is a lot of weight.


a buddy of mine i went to HS with and sometimes work out with when he's working at the YMCA is like 170lbs and ive seen him hit 365lbs...and that was a few months ago, so he might be higher than that now. its insane

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Thanks guys!


Ramsey came to me 2 weeks ago stuck at 275. He asked me to come 11-16-09 and work on his form. That night i had him double 300, just switching up his form and giving him some pointers on the transition the arm goes through during the motion. This past monday he reached his goal, now i am currently working on a program to help him reach his second goal.


I can help with just about anything.


lmao.... thanks hal, yes i have been around this sport for a LONG time.






Im chasing my own goal as well. A 500lb raw bench at 170lbs, i am at 445-455 right now at 170lbs. No my squat isnt weak and neither is my DL.



PS: Did he pay up on the bet kris?

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Thanks guys!


Ramsey came to me 2 weeks ago stuck at 275. He asked me to come 11-16-09 and work on his form. That night i had him double 300, just switching up his form and giving him some pointers on the transition the arm goes through during the motion. This past monday he reached his goal, now i am currently working on a program to help him reach his second goal.


I can help with just about anything.


lmao.... thanks hal, yes i have been around this sport for a LONG time.






Im chasing my own goal as well. A 500lb raw bench at 170lbs, i am at 445-455 right now at 170lbs. No my squat isnt weak and neither is my DL.



PS: Did he pay up on the bet kris?


i should be having steak on fri or sat.

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how long did it take? im maxing out now at 195 and would just like to get to 225. i'd be thrilled. i hit 205 a few weeks ago, but last couple weeks it hasn't been there.


went from 245 to 275 in 12 weeks then from 275 to 315 in about 3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've plateau'd at 365, any more hurts my elbows. A guy i lift with benches 850+ on a regular basis, and hes 6' 240. I'm 5'11, 200, yet have no interest in increasing my bench. I'm almost 30, an she doesnt care how much I bench, just as long as i look good naked.


Good luck in reaching your goals, sounds like steven has helped out you guys pretty well.

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I've plateau'd at 365, any more hurts my elbows. A guy i lift with benches 850+ on a regular basis, and hes 6' 240. I'm 5'11, 200, yet have no interest in increasing my bench. I'm almost 30, an she doesnt care how much I bench, just as long as i look good naked.


Good luck in reaching your goals, sounds like steven has helped out you guys pretty well.


WHo is it?


I am hoping he has shown you proper form for a raw bench and not proper form for a SHIRTED bench.


Changing up your form will allow you to take the stress off your shoulders and elbows. It will also help you get more power out of the hole.

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Greg. He doesnt coach/train, and he lifts at westside. I just run into him occasionally.


I don't use any belts or "shirts" just a normal t-shirt. I am by no means trying to break any records or compete. I usually workout/lift for stress relief and overall fitness. At 30, you don't care about beach muscles

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