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Deer gun season


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i ended up not going out this today at all, kinda felt like sleeping in :) talked with quite a few ppl today at work and while out running some errands for work and everyone had the same thing happen as i stated......


a pic of the deer a buddy's friend shot out where i was sitting yesterday morning and decided not to go back out today lol :( figures





tommorrow is another day

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shot number 2 this morning. Just a 4 point but he has a nice body on him for a 4.





going out tomorrow to try for number 3......shot this one sitting at the same tree as the first one. :D

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I have not been hunting in so long. I guess laziness got the best of me. My brother in law works at Perfects in Johnstown so I usually just put my order in with him. Have any of you guys ever had their spicy deer sausage with cheese? That shit is like crack.
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finally put some brown down, and a big fat one at that, go all week seeing minimal deer and tonight 8 does walk right up to me at 4:50 i keep waiting to see if a decent buck came around but nothing so i put her down, about 20 yds away quaterin away from me right thro the lung




turned it over and never seen an exit wound lol checked her in and took it over to cosuins house to skin it for the night got to looking and after it was skinned and see exit wound thro rib cage but not on hide,,,,dug the slug out of the inside of the hide in a pocket of fat...... winchester 1oz slug....first time ive ever seen one not go in and out....

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I took my Muzzleloader to Vinton County yesterday. Climbed an incredibly steep, slick hill fell and busted my ass 5 times just to get to the top and sit in the nasty wet snow for 5 hours and not see a damn thing. I'll get one during Muzzleloader season Jan 9th -12th in Lancaster.


Anyone else going out with a Muzzleloader?

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I took my Muzzleloader to Vinton County yesterday. Climbed an incredibly steep, slick hill fell and busted my ass 5 times just to get to the top and sit in the nasty wet snow for 5 hours and not see a damn thing. I'll get one during Muzzleloader season Jan 9th -12th in Lancaster.


Anyone else going out with a Muzzleloader?


I'm borderline with the muzzleloader. I'd like too but I hate buying that 4th tag just for those 4 days and I already have 3 deer so I don't really need another one. We'll see....good reason to get out of the house for a few days.

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