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Interesting F1 Article


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That is interesting. But, why would you want that when you could run a 4g63, b18c, sbc, 5.0, or 2jz? It's too bad F1 turned into such a puss fest. I wish these babies would quit whining about it being too fast, too expensive, too dangerous, or too [insert puss here]. It's top-level racing, not top-level programming. You want to be safe go administer a network. Recommend return of Can-Am.


There, that ought to get things moving.

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What I was getting at is, it would be more interesting if they were allowed to continue to advance their engines to get more power. Whether that be through forced induction, displacement, revs or whatever. Running a 'spec' (or as close as they can try to get) just makes for boring ass racing.
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What I was getting at is, it would be more interesting if they were allowed to continue to advance their engines to get more power. Whether that be through forced induction, displacement, revs or whatever. Running a 'spec' (or as close as they can try to get) just makes for boring ass racing.


Yeah, but they were getting close to 1000hp NA...pretty ridiculous. It would be pretty crazy if they let them do whatever they wanted to make the cars as fast as possible. It was getting dangerous. But I do think that there is too much regulation right now.

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But what about the fans? Cant have a 10lb, 2000hp car making 90° turns at 300mph hit a 10 year old girl in the face.


well, if it's 10 lbs she won't mind too much. She shouldn't have been on the outside of the turn. It works for rallying, why not F1? That's why IRL is boring.

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well, if it's 10 lbs she won't mind too much. She shouldn't have been on the outside of the turn. It works for rallying, why not F1? That's why IRL is boring.


It got a little crazy in rally too...killer B's.


Fucking hell is Indy boring

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It's FORMULA racing, i.e., you build the car to a formula. In the 60s, this was in contrast to races like LeMans, where there were fewer rules and they were more arbitrary. While everyone understood that all auto racing was about car + driver, LeMans was more about the car (endurance and speed), and F1 was more about the driver.


That's why there's various levels of Formula racing. The idea is to create a level playing field for drivers at different skill levels. F1 is just the cars requiring the highest level of skill. Maximum speed has never been the goal, and keeping speeds in check has been part of the game since the 70s.

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Love F1 engines. They're like Gems (and about as expensive too). The amount of engineering that goes into them is just astounding.


With the banning of refueling next year, it's going to be interesting to see if teams go for higher efficiency and lighter cars, or heavier cars with this year's engines. I hope it will be a mixture of both. The KERS vs no KERS thing was cool to see. Though they're dropping KERS for 2010.


TONS of team shakeups for next year too.


Big shocker: McLaren bought out Daimler's stake in Vodaphone McLaren Mercedes and Daimler has gone on to take ownership of one of the new teams and make a true Mercedes team. I'm VERY interested to see how both teams will do.

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Love F1 engines. They're like Gems (and about as expensive too). The amount of engineering that goes into them is just astounding.


With the banning of refueling next year, it's going to be interesting to see if teams go for higher efficiency and lighter cars, or heavier cars with this year's engines. I hope it will be a mixture of both. The KERS vs no KERS thing was cool to see. Though they're dropping KERS for 2010.


TONS of team shakeups for next year too.


Big shocker: McLaren bought out Daimler's stake in Vodaphone McLaren Mercedes and Daimler has gone on to take ownership of one of the new teams and make a true Mercedes team. I'm VERY interested to see how both teams will do.


Interesting. Im glad they are dropping KERS. One thing I liked about Ferrari was that it was a their own team. Will be cool to see Mercedes doing that too. Still missing that third German automaker in F1...

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Isn't Audi still dominating the LeMans series with their diesel?


Yeah can say that, although they have a new car and only participated in a couple of races last season. Peugeot is giving them a hard time now with their diesel.


Mclaren has always been my team in F1 ever since prost and senna back in the honda days.

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They deserve a win every now and then I suppose. I really like the diesel tech being pushed in Le Mans, but don't like the amount of restriction already. If Formula is going to be formula, then I want a can-am style free for all with raging uncontrollable monsters that scare regular drivers and push the limits of controllability.
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