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Honda Released a Rear Engine Rear wheel drive car


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This is slightly interesting. Almost as interesting as it would be if VW announced they were coming out with another beetle, 71 YEARS after they came out with the original. So, what was Honda doing in 1938? Anyone?


Honda started in the late 1940s making bike engines.

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Honda started in the late 1940s making bike engines.


Thanks, it was a rhetorical question:rolleyes: I'd drive one of those when every decent car and motorcycle was inoperable, so probably never. Still a slightly interesting concept though, once you get past the wannabe headline grabbing styling.

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Thanks, it was a rhetorical question:rolleyes: I'd drive one of those when every decent car and motorcycle was inoperable, so probably never. Still a slightly interesting concept though, once you get past the wannabe headline grabbing styling.


You know that there is a difference between a daily commute car and a car that people actually care about. This car being a daily commuter in big, congested cities. Most of the world's roads are already full of cars that look not far off from this. Good luck dropping your kids off at day care before going to work on a motorcycle while its pouring down rain or even snow. Oh yeah...gasoline wont last forever.

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Oh yeah...gasoline wont last forever.


Oh, I didn't realize this new car ran on hopes and dreams. Is there an option for a nuclear reactor?


I said CAR AND motorcycle, meaning I can use whichever I choose. If those fail, there's always the horse and carriage. Suck on that Al Gore!

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Oh, I didn't realize this new car ran on hopes and dreams. Is there an option for a nuclear reactor?


I said CAR AND motorcycle, meaning I can use whichever I choose. If those fail, there's always the horse and carriage. Suck on that Al Gore!


This car would be perfect for dense cities like new york city and london. It is made small for a reason. With a 60MPG engine I would buy one and just use it to drive to work in. I drive 35 miles in one day round trip to work. Thank God I live in columbus and work here. It would be even longer if I lived outside of 270.

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Would it still be more economical than keeping the car you have and putting the extra $10k or whatever into gasoline? Or buying a cheaper used car like a beetle tdi that gets 45mpg, and using the extra cash for diesel?
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Would it still be more economical than keeping the car you have and putting the extra $10k or whatever into gasoline? Or buying a cheaper used car like a beetle tdi that gets 45mpg, and using the extra cash for diesel?


My car has 192k miles on it. It should be dead by now. If this new car is ever made I bet it will be the cost of the smart cars. So a brand new car that takes gas or a used diesel car around the same price? I will go the new route. Diesel cars are awesome but I can't see myself buying one until the cost of fuel is lowered.


NOW if I lived in the anywhere in the UK I would already own a diesel. Fiat or Peugeot hatchback would be right up my alley.

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I would drive that thing everywhere, awesome!


I see Not Brian driving this in pack of other cars consisting of, 2 white Lotus Elise with Storm Troopers driving on either side, plus all following darth vader in an all black Ariel Atom.


Make it happen and take video. Will make me happy man ;)

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I'm allergic to p-nuts.


I still don't know why we're not doing more with diesels. People complain about 1) oil running out, or 2) fuel economy needs to be better, yet every single diesel powertrain option outperforms their gasoline counterparts and can run on alternative fuel sources from biodiesel to kerosene to salad dressing. :lol:

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I'm allergic to p-nuts.


I still don't know why we're not doing more with diesels. People complain about 1) oil running out, or 2) fuel economy needs to be better, yet every single diesel powertrain option outperforms their gasoline counterparts and can run on alternative fuel sources from biodiesel to kerosene to salad dressing. :lol:


Fuck yes I really wish diesel was as popular here as other countries. I really want a 2010 fiat hatchback diesel.

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