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Fuck Thieves


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  • 1 month later...
Do you guys really think that you could kill someone? Even if they break in?


I didnt notice this but to answer your question yes. I have no doubt that if my only option is my family or my life over someone who broke into my house then they will be shot or have the hell beat out of them.



On a side note my mother called me tonight and this is the reason I brought this back up but they actually caught the guys who broke into there home. He confessed to several different break ins. He is a crackhead.

Unfortunately they did not recover any of my parents belongings but one of them described there house and its location.



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Sorry man. I know the feeling. Had my truck broken in to over the summer then two weeks later, on my wife's birthday, my house was robbed. Jacked shotguns, tv's, laptops, etc. 2 of the guns I will never be able to replace. They didn't get my glock though :) They hit me up in the daytime when they knew I wasn't home. After that, i said "enough." I got 4 awesome security cameras and installed two outside and two inside. I can also view the cameras from other locations that have internet access. I have seen some crazy stuff since I got those cameras. In fact, I came home one day and saw my back gate had been open so I reviewed the cameras and sure enough, two little hood rats tried breaking into my house again but couldn't get the window open. Wish I had been home. I would reccommend camera's to anyone on here. Not a bad $600 investment for everything you need.
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i am a very light sleeper and always have a heater within reach. I cant wait till the day comes where some fuckin thief makes the last decision of his sorry life and breaks into my house lol


I have 4 within quick reach of me in my bedroom lol. If I move to any part of the house for more than a few seconds my main carry gun goes with me.




If somebody ever tries to break into my house. Lets just say my berretta 12 gauge that's never been shot, is gonna get shot.


You're relying on a gun, that you've never verified to be operational, to fully function in a critical time that could mean life or death? Not a cool plan Stan.



Do you guys really think that you could kill someone? Even if they break in?

Two totally different questions. But, yes on the first under certain circumstances. Yes on the second one under certain circumstances.

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