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check out this app. its called pdanet. its a free app that lets you connect to the internet on your desktop/laptop via your phones internet connection. im currently browsing the web on it and averaging 2.4Mbp/s. this would be really convenient if i had a laptop. best part: ITS FREE. http://www.junefabrics.com/android/index.php
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If your phone is rooted, you could get "wireless tether for root users" as well. It's actually created by the android team.



My friend uses his G1 as a access point. Its pretty fucking cool.


For using pdanet, firefox+adblock+adblock definitions=must have for quicker browsing.

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If your phone is rooted, you could get "wireless tether for root users" as well. It's actually created by the android team.


where can i get it? the wireless tether would be better. i couldnt find much in the market. and yes, im rooted

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18M download? what service plan do you have?


I like how it also shows his carrier in the picture its self ;). Still gets shitty upload speed. Why can't roadrunner get with the game already?


I used pdanet today when I was playing with DNS settings/setting up a local domain and had no internet temporarily. Its nice knowing I don't have to steal the neighbors wifi anymore in such situations.

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