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Laptop guys need some help.


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I Just picked up a HP g60 535dx. I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade the graphics card/controller, and where i could purchase one. Currently it is running GMA 4500M. It defintely doesnt look very good when trying to watch a movie. Any help would be appreciated.
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Nope. There is no external interface fast enough to process video. Best bet is to return the laptop and get something with dedicated graphics (non intel)


Lol be careful what you say Cause you think you know everything in really fact you dont.


I present to you the ASUS XG station.


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any input on video cards to keep an eye out for. I have been out of the game for awhile. Pretty much looking for 3-4gb ram, 2ghz with a dual processor for 499 and under.


Just downloaded codecs they didnt do crap.


The geforce 9400/9300 is great for laptops. It offers full acceleration, and is capable of 1080 bluray playback.


You could also try updating directx as well. I know DivX has beta codecs out that can pass the video through directx, making acceleration possible with any video card. link http://labs.divx.com/mkvwin7preview


Lol be careful what you say Cause you think you know everything in really fact you dont.


I present to you the ASUS XG station.



I've known of that things existance. That article is from EARLY 2008, and was a horrible failure when it actually released..In Australia..for a limited time.


So careful what you say, because you might think you know everything, but in fact you dont.

Edited by unfunnyryan
I'm tired and I fucked up a lot of words
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Intel graphics SUCK. +1 for taking it back and getting one with a dedicated card. Or if you want to stay cheap + integrated card, get one with an AMD or nVidia integrated solution.



EDIT: Also make sure you remove all the crap that come pre-installed on the laptop. You prob have 50 processes running. Uninstall with extreme prejudice.

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