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There's a bit of wind outside.


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Wrong section Moderator, this goes in pics and vids.


Couldn't wait to post that huh? The world is black and white.


This is the non automotive-related Common Area for all general topics.


I'd say the wind is a general topic, and I just posted some visual evidence. It's not like I said hey take a look at the 400 pics I took of the wind blowing stuff over. :rolleyes:

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I got the thing on it's side and removed everything around it that stuck out that could get broken off. I got the slide off and it popped back into shape. The swing set piece broke but with a new piece of wood it will go back together. I can't lift it by myself, it's freaking heavy. The wind is pretty strong. My little one is pretty sad. Edited by Benjamin
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Couldn't wait to post that huh? The world is black and white.




I'd say the wind is a general topic, and I just posted some visual evidence. It's not like I said hey take a look at the 400 pics I took of the wind blowing stuff over. :rolleyes:


I know you aren't very smart, but I figured even you would understand that a PICTURE should be in the section for PICTURES.


Following your thought process, all posts in pics and vids that DON'T have to do with cars should be in here.


Cliffs: You probably shouldn't touch the tools required to fix that childs toy because you will most likely hurt yourself.

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Cliffs: You probably shouldn't touch the tools required to fix that childs toy because you will most likely hurt yourself.


Yes because I already have taken it apart and put it back together once, and replaced a few parts. I would say that it is still in one piece speaks pretty good for me. I just know I don't need to go around questioning others intelect. Way to point something out like a five year old does when he sees you do something you as a parent, have told them not to do. You may consider yourself a supreme intelect, but my two year old is more mature than you. :rolleyes:

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Way to point something out like a five year old does when he sees you do something you as a parent, have told them not to do.


Excellent choice of verbage, even a five year old would have known you are in the wrong.


When my children see their parent do something wrong, they do question it. As they should.


I did you the favor of reporting your post. I know how you guys like that. :)

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Couldn't wait to post that huh? The world is black and white.


I'd say the wind is a general topic, and I just posted some visual evidence. It's not like I said hey take a look at the 400 pics I took of the wind blowing stuff over. :rolleyes:



Uh, Eli is correct. Your post contained nothing but a picture. Thus, there is no arguing that XX% of your post was text. It was 0% text, thus making this belong in the pics and vids section.


I moved it for you.

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