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Good Trend.


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That's awesome because they cut the end of the article out. The AP version had anti-gun bullshit at the end, I'll see if I can find it.




"Supporters of expanding handgun rights argue that people with state-issued permits are far less likely to commit crimes.


Kristin Rand of the Violence Policy Center, a gun-control group in Washington, disagrees. "They shoot each other over parking spaces, at football games, and at family events," Rand said. "The idea that you're making any place safer by injecting more guns is just completely contradicted by the facts." "

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That's awesome because they cut the end of the article out. The AP version had anti-gun bullshit at the end, I'll see if I can find it.




"Supporters of expanding handgun rights argue that people with state-issued permits are far less likely to commit crimes.


Kristin Rand of the Violence Policy Center, a gun-control group in Washington, disagrees. "They shoot each other over parking spaces, at football games, and at family events," Rand said. "The idea that you're making any place safer by injecting more guns is just completely contradicted by the facts." "


I'd love for her to post those. Anti's never do. I wonder why???......

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That's awesome because they cut the end of the article out. The AP version had anti-gun bullshit at the end, I'll see if I can find it.




"Supporters of expanding handgun rights argue that people with state-issued permits are far less likely to commit crimes.


Kristin Rand of the Violence Policy Center, a gun-control group in Washington, disagrees. "They shoot each other over parking spaces, at football games, and at family events," Rand said. "The idea that you're making any place safer by injecting more guns is just completely contradicted by the facts." "


That looks like a nice "rifle" that the guy is looking at. I love asking antis whether or not people should be allowed to own assault weapons. I then follow it up with:"What is an assault weapon and what makes it so dangerous?" They are usually dumbfounded and say something along the lines that they kill people.

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