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My LCD tv humms/rings when off


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I have a Westinghouse 32" 1080P LCD tv I got 2 years ago from Walmart. Its been a good tv overall, I moved this past spring and threw it in the back of my truck behind the seats and got a line in the screen, a single pixle wide, but a few months later it was gone!

Just this past few week it has started making just the slightest buzzing/humming noise when turned off, its not really like an electrical buz, just a really quiet high pitch ringing, like a dog whistle. The only time I can even hear it is when I first wake up in the morning and its quiet in the house. Anyone experience this before? Is my TV about to die/explode? We are in the market for a new TV, I want to take this one down to my man cave for the 360 and get a new one upstairs, just waiting for the after Christmas sales.


As one can imagine just unplugging it stops the noise, should I get in the habbit of unplugging it when not in use?

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Guest tbutera2112
i have a dvd player that is sooo loud...turning it on makes it go quiet, but when you turn it off and its in standby its loud as shit...my best advice is to unplug it when youre not using it
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My grandparents have in the past used the cable box all-in-one remote for everything, and they press the "all off" button when they're done watching television. Well, this only turns off the cable box, because their tv doesn't talk to the remote. They think the tv is off as well because there is no picture on it, but it's just because the cable box is off....


Needless to say, the tv creates a building buzz sound when it's on like this with no input, until I come over and turn it off. Not saying you're a retard, but maybe :).

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