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Health Care reform translated into english


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Its funny people think they don't pay for illegals health care currently. They get care, its just passed on to you by ridiculously high hospital bills.


I've been saying the same thing the whole time. This doesnt just go for illegals its also for the uninsured obviously. With all the free ER care that hospitals give they are going to have to make it up by overcharging everyone else to a point.


Why does everyone think that healthcare will be so rationed? Would there not be tons of opportunity for new hospitals to pop up if they know they have guaranteed payment? Maybe it isnt that simple but it makes a lot of sense to me.

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this shit is just going to screw the guys that have good medical and have a good job . what i see of it the only people its going to help is the illegal in this country .


Or maybe the 10% of the currently unemployed people struggling to find work?? Tons of companies are cutting back and not spending/expanding so there are plenty of good people out of work and w/o insurance. Not to mention the amount of people in this country who DO work and don't make enough to pay the crazy insurance rates. Do yourself a favor and look up the amount of WalMart's workforce that is on state medicade plans (then run right out and buy some groceries there).

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this shit is just going to screw the guys that have good medical and have a good job . what i see of it the only people its going to help is the illegal in this country .


And the pieces of shit that just don't want to work, but want all the benfits of people that do work.

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Or maybe the 10% of the currently unemployed people struggling to find work?? Tons of companies are cutting back and not spending/expanding so there are plenty of good people out of work and w/o insurance. Not to mention the amount of people in this country who DO work and don't make enough to pay the crazy insurance rates. Do yourself a favor and look up the amount of WalMart's workforce that is on state medicade plans (then run right out and buy some groceries there).

yea how they going to pay for it unemployed

And the pieces of shit that just don't want to work, but want all the benfits of people that do work.

exactally !

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And to answer your question Mr Hal I am not going to make a statment, then read someone else's and not defend what I am saying to begin with. I belive that since a majority of people voted democrat and had no clue what they were really voting for which was a unbalanced government (REP & DEM) now we are at the mercy of what polititians think is a good idea and don't care what it mean because they don't even have deal with it. Granted you can debate government and religion until the end of time.
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Also taxing the illegal immigrants wont help you get a lower bill at the doctor because they don't pay taxes. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You and I being tax payers pick up those portions of the taxes as well. The wife and I loose 25% of our pay check to taxes as it is I don't think we need anymore. I also don't belive our government is going to do anything different than the Canadians and Europeans that is going to make universal health car Actually work. They can't even get the BMV right.
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And the pieces of shit that just don't want to work, but want all the benfits of people that do work.


I disagree. I dont think the issue is them not wanting to work. Its that they dont have to pay into the system they are taking advantage of. In my experience our visitors from the dirty south are pretty hard working folk. Hire a contractor and tell me who's doing the grunt work.


You guys would be surprised how difficult it is to get those pesky illegals to go to the hospital. Their arms will literally need to be hanging by threads and you'll still have to argue with them to go to the ER. If you know any fire fighters ask them and I bet you they will validate this. I've seen this first hand a half dozen times. On all the runs that I went on I never got the impression that they felt 'entitled' to anything, it was just the opposite. They had to be dying or bleeding out to agree to go in.


I agree its a f'd up system that allows them to take advantage. I'd like to see some harsh fines for contractors who employ them in order to benefit. Berto's tax idea would be fn great but makes way too much sense.


Anyone who's insured and paying taxes is getting double F'd in the A. Your already paying for state medicade programs and welfare. Your health insurance premiums rise every single year and your pay doesnt go up proportionately. Your companies are paying a huge sum per employee to provide you with those benefits. For those of us in the IT field we're constantly competing with talent from overseas who may have benefits provided as part of their citizenship which saves your company even more money. Cheaper labor + no benefits equals huge profits to your stakeholders. Then take into account that over 75% of small businesses who went out of business cited insurance costs as a major reason for the closing. Its a fucked up flawed system that is quickly becoming unaffordable for businesses and employees.


UHG profits - 155% increase - http://www.nasdaq.com/newscontent/20090721/unitedhealthgroupq2profitjumps155unh.aspx?storyid=1395


Obama fact check on insurance company 'record profits' claim - http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/jul/23/barack-obama/health-insurance-company-turned-profit-not-rec/


So the article states that UHC profited a record 1.23 billion Q4 in 2007 and nearly 1 billion(859 mill) the same time this year. How do they do that????? They charge you more and give you less coverage. And they have to b/c the costs charged to them for the same treatments continues to increase. I work in the prescription benefits business and have for 10 years. In that time period the shit that these insurers do to make you pay more has gotten greedier and greedier every year. Constantly changing what medications are prefered and non prefered, not just charging you copays any more but charging you %'s of the cost now. Its fucking shady and you get f'd in the end.

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Also taxing the illegal immigrants wont help you get a lower bill at the doctor because they don't pay taxes. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You and I being tax payers pick up those portions of the taxes as well. The wife and I loose 25% of our pay check to taxes as it is I don't think we need anymore. I also don't belive our government is going to do anything different than the Canadians and Europeans that is going to make universal health car Actually work. They can't even get the BMV right.





So what you are saying is that if you tax illegal immigrants they won't be paying taxes? I couldn't really read the rest of it, you might want to get that "english compostion professor" of yours to start proofreading your posts.

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English lesson fail.


Oh, really?


We went to Sugar last year, which is right next to gasworks/brothers and it was a good time. Its pricey though.


On another forum they were saying under $30k which is pretty sweet if its true.


Want my honest opinion? Well I have a few actually.


2) Because thats what happens when you imitate others, you will always be one step behind.


You're learning. [got that one!]


Theres the light problem.


and more truth.


I may have failed the "pay more attention when posting from your iPhone" lesson. I did pass, however, all lessons on how to be a tolerable person, which is more than I can say about you.


Next time you decide to criticize a mundane and inconsequential detail, make sure your record is spotless... and even if it is, you'll still just come across like a douchbag.

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Or maybe the 10% of the currently unemployed people struggling to find work??


I was talking to a friend the other day. Before I meet him he had back surgery for some broken/degenerative bones in his spine. He had three different insurance plans and it took him a year to get them to pay for his surgery.


He has a friend how graduated recently and can't find a job. He will be losing his insurance soon. He has diabetes and will no longer be able to afford his medication. When he does find a job I'm sure his insurance will call it a pre-existing condition.




Tell me the health care system doesn't need reformed because you are worried about your taxes going up a little or some [bigot]god damn illegal getting free health care[/bigot]. Only because you've been lucky enough to never need a little help. People shouldn't be dying in our country, supposedly the greatest country in the world, because they can't afford health care.

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and even if it is, you'll still just come across like a douchbag.


Yeah Chris, you're such a douchebag. I don't think they use apostrophes in South Africa do they?


So you're going to give a portion of your hard earned money to help out some poor unfortunate soul who needs help? That's great. You should go to medical school and then give free medical aid to people who can't afford it. That would make a difference.

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So what you are saying is that if you tax illegal immigrants they won't be paying taxes?


I believe the point he is trying to get across is that because a lot of illegals are paid under the table, there isn't a sufficient way to try to tax them. Which is true, but that is a byproduct of the larger issue, the employer trying to save himself a few profit points by hiring, and paying them in the first place. Blame is being squarely placed at the wrong feet here. Most of these people just want to work, they have no roots in this country, no reason to care whether or not Joe 12-pack (do not say the other name) is upset about him working illegally, because he is just going to go back to Mexico and live it up for half the year laughing all the way to the bank.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reform up and down regarding immigration, particularly regarding access to welfare, or healthcare. However being a product of immigration (first generation Chinese) I have a personal understanding of how the US was looked upon as a beacon of hope for the world, a place where your dreams can come true. To most immigrants that dream is simply being able to provide for their families, in relative safety. Its hard to fault people for wanting to do that, if the roles were reversed you would very likely do the same. The issue isn't punishing people for wanting to work though, its about patching the holes that allow them to do so without paying back into the system.

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Oh, really?


I may have failed the "pay more attention when posting from your iPhone" lesson. I did pass, however, all lessons on how to be a tolerable person, which is more than I can say about you.


Next time you decide to criticize a mundane and inconsequential detail, make sure your record is spotless... and even if it is, you'll still just come across like a douchbag.


Why dont you calm your ass down and get a sense of humor. You were the one criticizing someone's spelling, so I gave you some of your own medicine, then you get all butthurt. Only one looking like a douchebag is you.



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Why dont you calm your ass down and get a sense of humor. You were the one criticizing someone's spelling, so I gave you some of your own medicine, then you get all butthurt. Only one looking like a douchebag is you.





Where did I criticize spelling again?


The "your" was in reference to the fact that he tried to personalize a chain email by claiming those who "broke it down" were "his" people.

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Names of "your" english composition professor and "your" lawer who broke this down?


Where did I criticize spelling again?


The "your" was in reference to the fact that he tried to personalize a chain email by claiming those who "broke it down" were "his" people.


aah comprehension fail



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And to answer your question Mr Hal I am not going to make a statment, then read someone else's and not defend what I am saying to begin with. I belive that since a majority of people voted democrat and had no clue what they were really voting for which was a unbalanced government (REP & DEM) now we are at the mercy of what polititians think is a good idea and don't care what it mean because they don't even have deal with it. Granted you can debate government and religion until the end of time.


Wait, what? I'm now getting into e-battles without posting?

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Because that's what columbusracing.com has come to.


I agree, having a democrat President and Congress tends to screw up our already lame balance and it's no wonder we're on the cusp of some of the most liberal legislation I can remember. Hopefully if America lasts long enough we'll see the emergence of more real, viable parties that will bring some checks and balances to our currently 2-party system. God knows the supreme court isn't going to step in!

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