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Health Care reform translated into english


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You guys would be surprised how difficult it is to get those pesky illegals to go to the hospital. Their arms will literally need to be hanging by threads and you'll still have to argue with them to go to the ER.


you have no obvious clue about this. I know a lot of illegals and they will go to the hospital never pay the bill and its us the hard working middle class to pay for this.


Now don't get me wrong I don't mind the systems that we have in place, medicade, unemployment, etc, etc, but more than not people that are using these services are just milking the system. They are capable of working and supporting themselves but are worthless and would rather sit on their ass and live in section 8 hosing collect food stamps and get the best possible health care availabe. While I work 60hrs a week to provide for my family, HAVE NO HEALTH insurance, try to bargin with every hospital bill I recieve and I'm just getting fucked in the end.


There are people that need these things, people affected by the economy with layoffs stuff like that. But all the pieces of shit that sit home and take advantage of this is bullshit.



And I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to be a doctor for the government to set my salary. I wouldn't want to GO TO a doctor where somone else is telling him what hes going to make. He's going to lose respect and pride for his work and look at everyone as a number and not give a fuck. I want a doctor that wants to help me because he loves what he does and he is paid well in doing so.

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Obama fact check on insurance company 'record profits' claim - http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/jul/23/barack-obama/health-insurance-company-turned-profit-not-rec/


So the article states that UHC profited a record 1.23 billion Q4 in 2007 and nearly 1 billion(859 mill) the same time this year. How do they do that????? They charge you more and give you less coverage. And they have to b/c the costs charged to them for the same treatments continues to increase. I work in the prescription benefits business and have for 10 years. In that time period the shit that these insurers do to make you pay more has gotten greedier and greedier every year. Constantly changing what medications are prefered and non prefered, not just charging you copays any more but charging you %'s of the cost now. Its fucking shady and you get f'd in the end.


did you read this article?


But UnitedHealth has diversified, and its business with the government health programs Medicare Advantage and Medicaid

of course their making large profits their being funded by the government

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Seriously. I have a few friends and family members that are MDs, and it makes me sad they've worked for so many years to get where they are only to be threatened with closing shop due to retarded legislation.


I just got health insurance and it's so piss poor with a $3000 deductible I am almost better off NOT having it. Almost. Do I want a better health care system? Sure. But I also don't want to have to fly to another country because our dumbass .gov people ran our best doctors off.

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I know there are several doctors in lancaster that are closing their practices because they can't afford to run them anymore. And its not by impractical business ventures its that their damn malpractice insurance is threw the Roof!


I've not been following all of the changes and debate lately, but isn't a reduction in frivolous medical lawsuits one of the goals of this bill (in order to reduce cost and these situations you are talking about)?

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I disagree. I dont think the issue is them not wanting to work. Its that they dont have to pay into the system they are taking advantage of. In my experience our visitors from the dirty south are pretty hard working folk. Hire a contractor and tell me who's doing the grunt work.




Come and stand next to where I work, all the people next door at charity newsies that would rather buy whoopty wheels and cigarettes and custom license plates, and designer hand bags than pay for clothes for their children.


There are plenty of people out there who just plain do not want to work, They would rather be on food stamps and getting government aid so they can afford to buy the above mentioned things. I could not believe it either. Did you watch all the interviews of minorites during the Obama campaign saying "thank God Obama is in office, now I don't have to work"? That is what this health care plan promotes, now the people who don't want to work will be able to get benefits that those who work do.


I also agree that people from down south are hard working people, but there are plenty of people who fit in what I have described above.

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you have no obvious clue about this. I know a lot of illegals and they will go to the hospital never pay the bill and its us the hard working middle class to pay for this.

No on contrary I actually do have a clue about this. I went through medic training at Tolles, passed my EMT-B, was working on my EMT-I before changing lanes, and as a result have ridden with Franklin Township, Washington Township, and Columbus multiple times. I have several Columbus Fire members in my family and a lot of close friends are also with Columbus. We just had a huge conversation about this over bowling the other night and as I said i've seen this personally on several occasions so I have more than a clue. I'm not saying that there are not illegals that aren't taking advantage. I'm giving an opposing point of view based on personal experience.


We're in agreement that people taking advantage of the system are pieces of shit. I dont get as hung up as others on the 'GD ILLEGALS!!' because I think if its between someone who is working and not paying taxes vs a US citizen sitting on their 'entitled' ass collecting welfare and not paying taxes its clear to me which is the bigger problem. The one working is ultimately contributing more and spending their money at places like autozone on tacky chrome accent pieces, adhesive flames, and aluminium wings.


Furthermore, I did read the article. What you may not know is that the federal government isn't administrating their medicare/medicade benefit. For the most part they are paying several pbm's and insurance companies to do it for them. Those companies handle all the claims processing and the gov't just has to cut checks and periodically audit. Several corporations have found it convenient to drop grandfathered retirees that are eligible for such benefits bringing the chosen few more medicare business. I've worked for a pbm for years and watched growth in this part of our business just explode in the past 3 years. What I have a problem with John is people like you working and dont have insurance but 1 of the major insurers profited nearly a billion dollars per quarter for the past 3 years from over charging the rest of us. I've watched the plans that we administrate cover less and less and insurers make you jump through freaking hoops so those of us who are insured are getting less and our costs continue to rise.


You should also pay attention to those explaination of benefits that are sent from your insurers. Your doctor bills them 150 bucks, for the 10 minutes of time you actually talked to him and told him about your sore throat and for him to tell someone else to call in your prescription, and when thats submitted to insurance they say the fair and reasonable cost for that service is only 65 bucks. Insurance companies are already dictating how much your doctors make homie. Most of them write it off and dont bill you for the difference. Those of you without insurance pay that 150 bucks for the same service or negotiate a discount but i'd be willing to be your not getting the same rate as the fair and reasonable cost.

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There are people that need these things, people affected by the economy with layoffs stuff like that. But all the pieces of shit that sit home and take advantage of this is bullshit.


So what happens when those good people who've been laid off now run out of unemployment and COBRA? They continue looking and can only find part time work w/ no benefits or maybe no work at all. You saying that these low life pieces of shit free loaders deserve to lose everything they've worked for when they have something horrible happen medically and can't afford to pay for their outrageous medical bills??? Or with their newly discovered medical problems they become basically uninsurable b/c of the pre-existing condition. I guess they are just SOL. Thats what exists today. I see it as a problem. Maybe you dont.


I know one particular couple who fell out of love and have sepearted. They have no plans of getting divorced but have moved on with their life. Know why they havent gotten divorced? With her rare intestional disease and age she has no hope of getting medical coverage. Nuts.

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Yes that article is great read. Don't get me wrong when I started this post I wasn't going for the whole "There's nothing wrong with our health care" I was simply stating that Osama and his lackys on capitol hill are going about this in a very wrong and unconstiutional way. But then again no seems to really care what they do. I do very much agree that our health care system has to be re-worked I got a $700+ bill to have a small metal flake brushed off my eye with a catheter from a syringe. Litterally took 1 minute. But I do belive there is no real good way to go about it but Democratically controlled hospitals is most definatly not the answer. I belive a mutual decision needs to be made form both parties to create a Health care system that is ran by one agancy like they do in england (<-----Not totally sure). They answer to the government however the decisions are made by actual doctors NOT politicians. I also think that there should be a "court" system in place that is made up of a pannel of doctors that judge medical malpractice suits before they enter the court system that would mean the actual lawsuit is a viable claim.
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