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Sugar:The Bitter Truth


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I said Fructose is not Glucose, that's all. It's a direct quote from Dr. Lustig.


Glucose is unhealthy, Fructose is a poison.


That's his direct quote? That's all I wanted to clear up.


Glucose isn't bad, and it's what every organism on the planet uses for energy. (At least I thought that was what the Dr. said)

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I just ate a whole box of General Mills Cocoa Puffs with whole milk in one sitting.. :finger:


I had a "Dragon Roll" from Kroger's Sushi Bar yesterday and it was yummy. Yes it had HFCS.




You guys should brag about how you eat shit that isn't food and it's killing you. :cool:

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I wanted to bump this, because a great show is starting this coming Friday.

Jaimie Olivers Food Revolution.

2 Hour premier on Friday the 26th.



Watch the promos, and be wow'd at the first graders who dont even know what fresh tomatos look like, or what the difference between a pear and an eggplant are.


Also- on a side night, since January, when we really started making an effort to change our habits and quit drinking soda almost 100% (if we are out to eat, i have a sprite, but only one) working out 2-3 days a week, i have lost 10lbs- doesnt sound like much to start, but i know i have buit some muscle, and havent done my acutal measuerments yet. It feels good to be getting healthy.


Also, just to throw this out there, i have started cooking from Delicious Living Magazine's website. Healthy food that taste, GREAT AND sedates the fat girl side of me (which at this moment is still the whole side of me)!!!

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I wanted to bump this, because a great show is starting this coming Friday.

Jaimie Olivers Food Revolution.

2 Hour premier on Friday the 26th.



Watch the promos, and be wow'd at the first graders who dont even know what fresh tomatos look like, or what the difference between a pear and an eggplant are.


Also- on a side night, since January, when we really started making an effort to change our habits and quit drinking soda almost 100% (if we are out to eat, i have a sprite, but only one) working out 2-3 days a week, i have lost 10lbs- doesnt sound like much to start, but i know i have buit some muscle, and havent done my acutal measuerments yet. It feels good to be getting healthy.


Also, just to throw this out there, i have started cooking from Delicious Living Magazine's website. Healthy food that taste, GREAT AND sedates the fat girl side of me (which at this moment is still the whole side of me)!!!


I watched the preview and loved it. He is great, but the ppl are so ignorant.


I have switched to eating a lot cleaner, and I get better every week and I feel better every week. Also, down another 20 lbs.

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Also as a bump: since seeing that, I have done nothing to the quantities in my diet, but have made a conscious effort to remove proccessed foods and fructose.


Happy to report a loss of a 3 lb, and a better tone to my anatomy. I think I'm making more muscle (though I'm working out a bit less) out of what I eat, with less going to the gut.

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I wanted to bump this, because a great show is starting this coming Friday.

Jaimie Olivers Food Revolution.

2 Hour premier on Friday the 26th.



Watch the promos, and be wow'd at the first graders who dont even know what fresh tomatos look like, or what the difference between a pear and an eggplant are.


Also- on a side night, since January, when we really started making an effort to change our habits and quit drinking soda almost 100% (if we are out to eat, i have a sprite, but only one) working out 2-3 days a week, i have lost 10lbs- doesnt sound like much to start, but i know i have buit some muscle, and havent done my acutal measuerments yet. It feels good to be getting healthy.


Also, just to throw this out there, i have started cooking from Delicious Living Magazine's website. Healthy food that taste, GREAT AND sedates the fat girl side of me (which at this moment is still the whole side of me)!!!


Saw this last night, wow, scared the shit out of me. We had salad and I made home made spaghetti with wheat pasta today. :D


The stuff in kids lunchrooms is fucking ignorant....... This country is so far gone, it's not salvageable I'm afraid, in this case the Government is killing children. I mean what the fuck, the guy made all fresh food and made brown rice, but the school still has to give 2 servings of bread, the rice wouldn't count. He couldn't serve his food unless he made bread. But hey frozen pizza counts as a balanced meal with 2 servings of bread. :nono:

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I lost a lot of weight just switching from regular to diet sodas.. I love the taste of diet now, and as long as I show no side effects, I don't care. Hell, it seems anything is simply bad for you anymore..


Aspartame??? This is why I don't even drink diet sodas regularly. Research it.

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I lost a lot of weight just switching from regular to diet sodas.. I love the taste of diet now, and as long as I show no side effects, I don't care. Hell, it seems anything is simply bad for you anymore..


I have had more than one person come to me with "Parkinson like" symptoms that has been caused by diet soda. A couple have been in their mid twenties. Aspartame problems develop over time and once they start the only way to stop the issues is to stop the consumption. It really is bad stuff!

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I have had more than one person come to me with "Parkinson like" symptoms that has been caused by diet soda. A couple have been in their mid twenties. Aspartame problems develop over time and once they start the only way to stop the issues is to stop the consumption. It really is bad stuff!


But the other 99 fake ingredients is sodas are not the problem. :rolleyes: The fact of the matter is; if you are trying to lose weight and need to save calories and are not drinking water and going to drink a flavored drink fake sweetners are the way to go.

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