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I wonder if it would ever be possible for a common man, non professional politician to win the presidency again.


I am going to start an internet campaign and run. I turn 35 this year.


What the hell? I thought you were the same age/older than me? I bet you just told me that when we first met because you thought I liked older men. :mad:

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Common man, you really think thats whats going to happen? Planes full of people with aids, coming here to get free aids treatment?


I dont see this effecting anyone except people who maybe cant get good treatment in their country, so they come here to PAY for better treatment. Plus I'm sure this happens all the time, this just lifts the ban of immigrants, meaning that you can now get a green card and eventually become a citizen, which also requires you to have a job here.


I went through that process, and only thing that this would change is that when I got a blood test, if it came back positive for hiv/aids, i dont get denied.



Ok, then how does this help our situation?


Here we are, unable to even solve our most basic societal issues, unable to correct our own failures demonstrated by our macroeconomic indicators, and instead of solving our own issues, we decide to let diseased immigrants in? I see no positive outcome from any of this.

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Ok, then how does this help our situation?


Here we are, unable to even solve our most basic societal issues, unable to correct our own failures demonstrated by our macroeconomic indicators, and instead of solving our own issues, we decide to let diseased immigrants in? I see no positive outcome from any of this.


Doesnt really help it, but doesnt hurt it either...so I'm neutral on that.


EDIT: Well I guess since it does help people with Aids, its at least a good thing for them. So if someone is benefiting from it, and no one is losing anything, I guess I'm for it.

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ok this is how i see it sorry for any misspelled words or improper grammar i just got up But any ways Obama wasnt worried about what he needed to do that dumbasss wanted to make history our people are overseas and he was asked what he was gonna do about it last week he said he had bigger things to worry about here on the home front and i think college students need to have voteing rights revoked they have all these left wing influences telling them all day that obama is good for us only damn thing that has been good is everyone is buying guns to defend themselves i am a supporter of that i bought my first one like a year or two ago the good ole boys need to get to work and take care of our issues in the house and the white house come on my right winged hill billys mofo's lets educate these people on the rights obama and his buddies have taken from us and are trying to take from us
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Doesnt really help it, but doesnt hurt it either...so I'm neutral on that.


EDIT: Well I guess since it does help people with Aids, its at least a good thing for them. So if someone is benefiting from it, and no one is losing anything, I guess I'm for it.


Why would you let additional people into the country that already has an increasing unemployment rate, and increasing health care costs.


I am for immigration when that immigrant has something positive to offer our society. We need to solve our own internal issues, before trying to help everyone else. Resources of any kind are not limitless.

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ok this is how i see it sorry for any misspelled words or improper grammar i just got up But any ways Obama wasnt worried about what he needed to do that dumbasss wanted to make history our people are overseas and he was asked what he was gonna do about it last week he said he had bigger things to worry about here on the home front and i think college students need to have voteing rights revoked they have all these left wing influences telling them all day that obama is good for us only damn thing that has been good is everyone is buying guns to defend themselves i am a supporter of that i bought my first one like a year or two ago the good ole boys need to get to work and take care of our issues in the house and the white house come on my right winged hill billys mofo's lets educate these people on the rights obama and his buddies have taken from us and are trying to take from us




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ok this is how i see it sorry for any misspelled words or improper grammar i just got up But any ways Obama wasnt worried about what he needed to do that dumbasss wanted to make history our people are overseas and he was asked what he was gonna do about it last week he said he had bigger things to worry about here on the home front and i think college students need to have voteing rights revoked they have all these left wing influences telling them all day that obama is good for us only damn thing that has been good is everyone is buying guns to defend themselves i am a supporter of that i bought my first one like a year or two ago the good ole boys need to get to work and take care of our issues in the house and the white house come on my right winged hill billys mofo's lets educate these people on the rights obama and his buddies have taken from us and are trying to take from us


Yeah? I think old people should have voting rights revoked. And their drivers licenses too. And if they can't feed themselves, that's just too damn bad.


Out of curiosity, what rights have been taken from you recently? I guess I could blame Obama for my student ID not working in the card reader last night. Fucking socialist card readers.

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Why would you let additional people into the country that already has an increasing unemployment rate, and increasing health care costs.


That's a good point, the person is probably not going to be contributing to society, at least not for very long. But in order to even start the immigration process, you need to have a job and prove that its not temporary. There are already checks in place to take care of that.


I am an immigrant, and I pay for my health care just like everyone else....oh wait...I bet there is a good amount of the "obama is a commie" crowd doesnt have healthcare, maybe even more so.

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That's a good point, the person is probably not going to be contributing to society, at least not for very long. But in order to even start the immigration process, you need to have a job and prove that its not temporary. There are already checks in place to take care of that.


I am an immigrant, and I pay for my health care just like everyone else....oh wait...I bet there is a good amount of the "obama is a commie" crowd doesnt have healthcare, maybe even more so.


Elephant > Audi. Jus sayin.


And I, too, have healthcare. I just honestly dont feel that it is my responsibility to pay for someone else to have it. You want healthcare, get a fucking job and pay yourself.


Please tell me why it is our responsibility, or the governments, to provide healthcare, welfare, etc???


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Why would you let additional people into the country that already has an increasing unemployment rate, and increasing health care costs.


I am for immigration when that immigrant has something positive to offer our society. We need to solve our own internal issues, before trying to help everyone else. Resources of any kind are not limitless.


Ask a firefighter or EMT about immigrants. These people refuse care most of the time.


I honestly think immigrants, even illegal ones, pay far more into society than they take out.


ninja edit: But by helping everyone else, you mean other countries, yeah, fuck that.

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Elephant > Audi. Jus sayin.


And I, too, have healthcare. I just honestly dont feel that it is my responsibility to pay for someone else to have it. You want healthcare, get a fucking job and pay yourself.


Please tell me why it is our responsibility, or the governments, to provide healthcare, welfare, etc???





Oh yea, I sure as hell do not want to pay for someone else's healthcare. But every time someone goes to hospital and cant pay for it, we end up paying for it anyway in one way or another.


All I think is that healthcare needs to be like auto insurance, required.

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Ask a firefighter or EMT about immigrants. These people refuse care most of the time.


I honestly think immigrants, even illegal ones, pay far more into society than they take out.


ninja edit: But by helping everyone else, you mean other countries, yeah, fuck that.



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Oh yea, I sure as hell do not want to pay for someone else's healthcare. But every time someone goes to hospital and cant pay for it, we end up paying for it anyway in one way or another.


All I think is that healthcare needs to be like auto insurance, required.


I'm totally cool with this. Just dont make me fucking pay for the people that can't. Call me greedy or whatever but I work damn hard for what I have. If I can do it so can you.


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I'm totally cool with this. Just dont make me fucking pay for the people that can't. Call me greedy or whatever but I work damn hard for what I have. If I can do it so can you.


But I'm handicapped because I'm too fat to get off my Rascal scooter and work. Laziness got me so fat in the first place and now I'm to lazy to change. Now I have the Diabeetus. Someone needs to pay me for that shit. Look at all the good I bring to the world by supporting Faygo and Marlboro. I even donate money I didn't earn to the state (lottery tickets).

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Oh yea, I sure as hell do not want to pay for someone else's healthcare. But every time someone goes to hospital and cant pay for it, we end up paying for it anyway in one way or another.


All I think is that healthcare needs to be like auto insurance, required.


There's a ton of people that can't afford it dude. Almost every single employee at my work would quit if they were forced to buy health insurance, because they can't afford an extra $50/ monthly, let alone the $200+++/monthly that small business health insurance costs. All that would happen is getting people to quit and live off the .gov. It's just too expensive, and even when you have it it's nearly worthless for small stuff due to insane deductibles and premiums. My health insurance will only pay for itself if I manage to spend $3000+/yearly on medical stuff. That's over 10% of my income.

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There's a ton of people that can't afford it dude. Almost every single employee at my work would quit if they were forced to buy health insurance, because they can't afford an extra $50/ monthly, let alone the $200+++/monthly that small business health insurance costs. All that would happen is getting people to quit and live off the .gov. It's just too expensive, and even when you have it it's nearly worthless for small stuff due to insane deductibles and premiums. My health insurance will only pay for itself if I manage to spend $3000+/yearly on medical stuff. That's over 10% of my income.

Very few people have the discipline to do it (myself included), but you could always set up a savings account solely for health care expenses and have money automatically deposited each week. After a while you won't miss the $25 or so (obviously more is good if you can spare it) and you'll adjust. This way you alone are in control of it and you get to accrue interest on it too. This plan sucks if you get the scurvy 6 months in, but over time its probably better than letting someone else waste your money. Yeah the non-copay price of some things is crazy, but if you're mostly healthy you might win out for a while. At least until you can get in a position that offers real health care.


Insurance is a gamble. They're betting the majority people are going to put in more than they take out over time. We're betting it'll work out the other way or we'll at least break even in the end. Unfortunately, much like a Casino, the odds are in their favor (for now).

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Very few people have the discipline to do it (myself included), but you could always set up a savings account solely for health care expenses and have money automatically deposited each week. After a while you won't miss the $25 or so (obviously more is good if you can spare it) and you'll adjust. This way you alone are in control of it and you get to accrue interest on it too. This plan sucks if you get the scurvy 6 months in, but over time its probably better than letting someone else waste your money. Yeah the non-copay price of some things is crazy, but if you're mostly healthy you might win out for a while. At least until you can get in a position that offers real health care.


We're on the same page. I already have a HSA account, but in the end I'll be paying $2000 yearly for health insurance I likely won't use. And if I want to go to the doctor, it's going to cost me $60-$150 out of pocket on top of that just to be seen. Total BS.

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