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Sig Sauer or FNH?


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some call it that....... they arent exactly expensive, id say there are alot more other guns out there that cost more, really when you get into some nice 1911's these are cheap lol


FNH is putting the 5.7's out there steady, now the price has been coming down


Absolutly agree with the astronomical price on some 1911's but honestly the cheapest Sig I've ever seen was 700$, thats alot to me. I THOUGHT FNH priced those 5.7's around a grand? though Ive never shoped for a gun over 500$ so i always kind of ignored them.

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The FNH 5.7 is handgun with the "rifle round" right?


No, it's a handgun with a very-small caliber (.22) high-velocity pistol round with very little energy fairly high costs. The only kinda good thing about it is that it will penetrate soft armor with some loads, and have a soft recoil.

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not sure on FNH pricing, back 2 yrs ago when i first started looking for one you couldnt find them for under $1200, i kinda hated spending that on one so i waited and cam across one used for $850 that had a few extras with it so made me happy with the purchase, my cousin has been wanting one and ive been watching them and seems like you can find them for around $900 now, as i said their prodution numbers i guess increased and i think thats why prices are coming down


im same way on prices, i try not to shop for expensive guns, i like what works and functions, but like the 5.7 there are guns that i see and want so i dont mind spending the extra money on them... kinda like the difference btw the dime pieces at the strip clubs and the uglies :) you kno who you will spend more on

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