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Anyone have an industrial paint sprayer?


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I need something that will spray 2300-3200 psi and has a .023-.025 tip size. All the super expensive ones at Home Depot meet the psi requirement but only go up to a .021 tip. The Behr Basement & Masonarty version of Drylok can be sprayed on which will save me about 15 hrs of labor.


I figured I'd try here before seeing about renting one. I know it's a long shot.

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Yes, it can be sprayed on however you will not get its potential until it is backrolled into the pores. You must have a ginormous area if your looking to save 15hrs just by spraying. True drylok is a mother to put on but its not that bad. Buy the thickest nap you can and go at it. If your looking to finish the area, just slap it against the floor joists above and roll to the slab below. I will check my tips for my sprayers and let you know. I would be hesitant to use anything other than drylok. This is an area where you dont want to skimp on costs. Oh and tips can be purchased depending on the sprayer at any paint store. One of the best around here is sherworks in whitehall. They should have all the tips you would ever need.
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O i'm not skimping, the Behr is actually 20 dollars more per 5 gallon bucket. Its 119 for Behr, 99 for Drylok. The nice thing is starting on thursday its 15 dollars off per 5 gallon bucket at Home Depot. I have 1400 sq ft of walls in the basement and its that stupid poured concrete wall so it has the texture of brick. I think the outter surface can be rolled but the channels would need to be brushed (i'm guessing, i possibly could be wrong). If I put 2 coats on the surface I figured it would take me 8-10 hours to do everything per coat, so 16-20 hours of painting. With a sprayer I figured it cuts it down to probably 2-3 hours per coat and its a whole lot less tiring. Trying to work smarter not harder if you know what I mean.
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I believe the drylok has a aggregrate type material added to it. You will probably need a texture type sprayer. You run the risk of damaging the pump itself running it through. I have sprayed drylok but it has been years and years. I cant remember what pump I used I have had about 25 different ones since then. It takes a very big pump to spray drylok. I may be able to lend a hand when you go to do it if you decide to brush/roll it on. Either way you really need it back brushed or back rolled. I may even bring over one of my older smaller sprayers to test it out with to see if we can get it to pump through.:p
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