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Mark McGwire


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I don't see how this is such breaking news? They're making a big deal about it, I thought we figured this out years ago.


It's like Clay Aiken coming out of the closet. Dude, everyone already knew


Ya thats why i worded it that way, its not like anybody is surprised.

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49 homers his rookie year, its not like the guy couldn't hit a ball to begin with. Steroids do not make you hit a fast ball, they might make you stronger, but you still need the god given talent. The dude could hit from the get go, he roided up to jump start the healing of injuries. I be Jose Canseco is loving life right now. Which leads me to another point, Jose was dead on in his 2 books with revelations of who was using, yet everyone and their brother black balled the dude and labled him a liar. If you haven't read his books I reccomend you go to your library and get Juiced to start off with.


McGwire came out about it now because he is about to start being the hitting coach for the Cardinals. Its either answer it now, or get hounded everyday until you break down and answer on terms outside of your own. You know people give hitters a bunch of shit for using roids, but pitchers were juicing just as much. Hell Roger Clemens and Andy Pettite are the 2 main one everyone claims were roiding up. That whole era is tainted from hitters to pitchers, if your gonna put fault on just 1 to 2 guys you are being foolish.


Its sad that McGwire and Sosa have been labeled cheaters. If it werent for that summer in 1998 baseball would be dead and would have become much like Hockey has. You ask most common people to tell you something from 1998 and I bet 8 out of 10 will mention Sosa vs McGwire Home Run Chase.


I really don't understand outside of healing injuries why any baseball player would use roids. Baseball is not about brute strength like say Football. You have to be agile, flexable and coordinated to play in the field, being big and bulky is not an advantage in baseball.

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Its sad that McGwire and Sosa have been labeled cheaters. If it werent for that summer in 1998 baseball would be dead and would have become much like Hockey has. You ask most common people to tell you something from 1998 and I bet 8 out of 10 will mention Sosa vs McGwire Home Run Chase.


I really don't understand outside of healing injuries why any baseball player would use roids. Baseball is not about brute strength like say Football. You have to be agile, flexable and coordinated to play in the field, being big and bulky is not an advantage in baseball.


Agreed. I don't see what the big deal is. Yes it's unfair, but why the fuck does the media talk about it so much? They focus so heavily on steroids, as if McGwire and whoever else would have just been average players without them. That's a fucking joke. I'm against steroid use, but like you said, it's not gonna make you hit the ball any further. Although I do recall hearing that when Clemens started juicing, his fastball velocity increased quite a bit.

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I don't see how this is such breaking news? They're making a big deal about it, I thought we figured this out years ago.


It's like Clay Aiken coming out of the closet. Dude, everyone already knew


wow original


I am against roid use to, not because it taints sports, but more so that it destroys your body as you get older.

no it doesnt, it helps your body as you get older, if a young man has lots of testosterone naturally when he is young as he gets older his T levels deminish he becomes less healthy and his body breaks down. A lot of older man are doing "gene therepy" to live healthier lives

49 homers his rookie year, its not like the guy couldn't hit a ball to begin with. Steroids do not make you hit a fast ball, they might make you stronger, but you still need the god given talent. The dude could hit from the get go, he roided up to jump start the healing of injuries. I be Jose Canseco is loving life right now. Which leads me to another point, Jose was dead on in his 2 books with revelations of who was using, yet everyone and their brother black balled the dude and labled him a liar. If you haven't read his books I reccomend you go to your library and get Juiced to start off with.


McGwire came out about it now because he is about to start being the hitting coach for the Cardinals. Its either answer it now, or get hounded everyday until you break down and answer on terms outside of your own. You know people give hitters a bunch of shit for using roids, but pitchers were juicing just as much. Hell Roger Clemens and Andy Pettite are the 2 main one everyone claims were roiding up. That whole era is tainted from hitters to pitchers, if your gonna put fault on just 1 to 2 guys you are being foolish.


Its sad that McGwire and Sosa have been labeled cheaters. If it werent for that summer in 1998 baseball would be dead and would have become much like Hockey has. You ask most common people to tell you something from 1998 and I bet 8 out of 10 will mention Sosa vs McGwire Home Run Chase.


I really don't understand outside of healing injuries why any baseball player would use roids. Baseball is not about brute strength like say Football. You have to be agile, flexable and coordinated to play in the field, being big and bulky is not an advantage in baseball.

anabolic androgenic steriods do not make you bulky, the way you train makes you bulky, look at all the MMA fighters, most of them use, but they train to be agile, look at Carl Lewis, Ben Johnson, they used but are not bulky. They enhance your performance and help you recover faster. Vitamins, supplements and foods also enhance your performance and help you recover faster as well.


AASteroids saved baseball they should embrace it.

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Its sad that McGwire and Sosa have been labeled cheaters. If it werent for that summer in 1998 baseball would be dead and would have become much like Hockey has. You ask most common people to tell you something from 1998 and I bet 8 out of 10 will mention Sosa vs McGwire Home Run Chase....


Agreed. I don't see what the big deal is. Yes it's unfair, but why the fuck does the media talk about it so much? They focus so heavily on steroids, as if McGwire and whoever else would have just been average players without them. That's a fucking joke. I'm against steroid use, but like you said, it's not gonna make you hit the ball any further. Although I do recall hearing that when Clemens started juicing, his fastball velocity increased quite a bit.



They make a big deal out of it because it is a big deal. You're right they had talent to begin with but without the roids they wouldn't have put up the numbers they did. You talk about the home run race. I'm not at all a baseball fan but I remember that, and the fact that it was driven by cheaters damages the creditability of it all, the league and it's history. Cheating is cheating regardless if the roids helps them hit further or just recover faster it’s cheating.

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Hopefully his records get wiped out, and he never gets to the hall of fame, talent or not. Cheating is pathetic.





They make a big deal out of it because it is a big deal. You're right they had talent to begin with but without the roids they wouldn't have put up the numbers they did. You talk about the home run race. I'm not at all a baseball fan but I remember that, and the fact that it was driven by cheaters damages the creditability of it all, the league and it's history. Cheating is cheating regardless if the roids helps them hit further or just recover faster it’s cheating.


This too.

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If you wipe out his records then you better wipe out everyones records through that entire era. Pitchers and hitters were both cheating, cheating is nothing new to sports either. Hell pitchers have been known to put vasoline under their helmet to help their curveball break more, sand paper on their finger tips ect...


A-roid is going to end up breaking the all time home run record, will you wipe his record out too? Barry Bonds holds the single season record for home runs, you gonna wipe his out as well?

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If you wipe out his records then you better wipe out everyones records through that entire era. Pitchers and hitters were both cheating, cheating is nothing new to sports either. Hell pitchers have been known to put vasoline under their helmet to help their curveball break more, sand paper on their finger tips ect...


A-roid is going to end up breaking the all time home run record, will you wipe his record out too? Barry Bonds holds the single season record for home runs, you gonna wipe his out as well?

If MLB has any class, then absolutely.


Example, of recent.


Florida State, just had a national title revoked due to their academic cheating scandal. You cheat, you get punished.

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