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Think the stimulus was a good idea?


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Fox special promoted numerous myths and falsehoods about Obama and the economic recovery bill


Summary: In Fox News' special, Trillion with a T, Bret Baier promoted or repeated several myths and falsehoods about President Obama and the economic recovery bill, including that some of the spending in the bill -- which Obama has now signed into law -- isn't stimulus; that the bill will lead to "the government deciding which procedures you can have and which ones you can't"; that it would prohibit any religious activity in facilities receiving money; that the Obama administration advocated cutting the defense budget by 10 percent; and that Obama admitted "there might be some pork" in the bill.
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Ummm yea about that...........

I think it is a blanket over a HUGE issue. not going away anytime soon

As long as the Fed exists, there will be an issue. As long as the value of the money in your pocket is dictated by someone you have never met and who doesn't even know or care you exist, there will be an issue.

But the majority of Americans don't know what the Fed is, and it's hard not to sound like a crazy person when you break it all down because of how absurd it all really is, so it's not a hard thing to for the powers that be to keep perpetuating. It's OK America, go back to watching TV and voting how CNN and Fox tell you to vote; everything'll be alright in the end...right?

War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.

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