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AccuVein - at the hospital again sigh


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well my wife is sick, Where not sure whats wrong other then she can't keep fluids down and her Sugar is high and won't come down.


I just seen one of the coolest devices. Its really neat, You could see the veins plain as day. For the first time she got hit in 1 stick. I actually held the thing and watched him put it in because my wifes veins are pretty small.

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I am a diabetic who is on an insulin pump and before I went on the pump I had a lot of complications and hospital stays. I understand what she is going through. Wishing her a speedy recovery.


I had the pump but stopped using it because it leaked all the time around the patch that goes into your body, and changing it every 3 days got annoying

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I had the pump but stopped using it because it leaked all the time around the patch that goes into your body, and changing it every 3 days got annoying



What kind of pump and set were you using? I use the medtronics stuff and I have never had any kind of issues like that. I do have to say that I usually go about 4 days even though they say 3. Yeah, changing it out does suck but I can eat pretty much whatever I want and I dont have to take 5 shots a day anymore so that makes it worth it to me.

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What kind of pump and set were you using? I use the medtronics stuff and I have never had any kind of issues like that. I do have to say that I usually go about 4 days even though they say 3. Yeah, changing it out does suck but I can eat pretty much whatever I want and I dont have to take 5 shots a day anymore so that makes it worth it to me.


mine was from Animas(spelling?) but yes it was nice to eat whatever and just push the button, my target bloodsugar level was 150, so now i just check myself add the total carbs of what I ate subtract the 150 and divide by 15 then i get the total amount of insulin to take

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