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Last Fist Fight


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Few years back, guy hit me hard in the neck from nowhere. Dazed me for a few seconds. That may have been the end(if I am not mad I cant fight) of it but he started running his mouth which started my adrenaline flowing. I then set out to punish him about the head and body until I was pulled off. The adrenaline was so much and I dont think about anything when its happening. The second everyone cleared and I calmed down I threw up all over the place and felt as though I had ran a 24hr marathon. Never did figure out why he even started it.
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Near the end of 8th grade, 1998. Almost 12 years ago. Eventually fought each other in the locker room after hating each other for the past 2 years. Exchanged a few swings, I probably dodged more and landed more. Last swings we both connected, hard, and then he started having an asthma attack so we quit. Didn't feel any different and still disliked each other throughout high school. Was pretty pointless really.


Was close to swinging on other people since then but never actually did so.

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Got sucker-punched through my truck's side window. Got undazed, got out, tackled the dude, did some awkward wrestling back and forth, cops drove by the parking lot within 30 seconds, people yelled COPS, dude jumped up.


The worst part about it is that immediately after tackling him, I had an absolutely clear shot to punch him in the nuts, and actually decided mid-fight that I couldn't do that to someone.


Wish I would have, looking back on things. *I think* it was because I had kicked him out of dad's parking lot for drinking the weekend before.

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So what you are saying is you got knocked out by his punch?


no he swung I dodged, got in close head butted and sent his teeth thru his lip...bad part is it was one of my friends...hes got a scar to prove it.lol


actually...about 4 months ago now that i think about it....Rhett ran his mouth and was getting his ass kicked....I grabbed the guy on top of him and threw him head first into street meat cart...but I wouldnt consider that a fight...that was me ending it as usual.lol

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I had one last year in July. I was on my way to work and had just dropped my daughter off at my moms house to catch the bus for school. I get less than a block away and there is this guy sitting in his truck in the middle of the rd facing me. Apparently he was talking to a neigbor and he felt his conversation was more important than letting oncoming traffic through. So I sat there for maybe 30 seconds and finally put my hands in the air like "hey buddy you gonna move so I can get around you". Well he didnt like that to much so he goes flying past me and slams on his brakes and pulls in behind me at an angle. By the time I notice what is going on he is almost at my door. So I'm thinking FU%^ this guy and I throw my truck in park and open my door. As soon as my door opens he grabs me. I was able to push him back enough to get him off me and I started throwing everything I could. We were going at it in the middle of the street. This guy was about twice my size so I dont think I was fazing him much. We end up wrestling around and the neihbors start yelling so we both get up at the same time. He runs to his truck and I run to mine. Well I wasnt done yet. Remember his truck is still parked at an angle behind mine. So I put my shit in Reverse and go after him. As soon as his drivers door closed BOOM. I backed in to him as hard as I could and hit him right in the drivers door. I proceeded to drive back to my moms and call the cops. I would not say that I whipped him but he was bleeding and I was not. I did end up with a cracked rib though. I think that was from him falling on me when we went to the ground though. Other than that I ended up with a dirty shirt from the asphalt and some scuffed up shoes.


I could have been in a lot more trouble and had to hire an attorney to prevent the city for picking up vehicular assault charges on me. Even though I didnt hit the guy, I was trying.


So needless to say this was a pointless yet expensive lesson. I don't see myself ever doing this again. I did 2,200.00 in damage to my truck and 5,000.00 to his.


750.00 Attorney Fees

350.00 Fine

500.00 Insurance deductable

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It's been a while, that's for sure. A few years back I got sucker punched from behind. A couple of punches from me followed and he decided to start yelling for the cops and yelling "call 911". Don't start shit if you won't finish it. He was a pussy anyway. I was in a lot better shape back then. Now I think I'd be tired after a punch or two, sitting behind a desk fucked me.


The last one I tried to instigate was with Andy (CockLX). My wife and Nick (SplnSux) decided I didn't need to go fight him though.


Usually things don't come to blows. Either my wife or CHL will keep me from escalating any situations to a physical level. I've had to work on my temper for the last couple years. My first response used to be physical, now I settle with a slightly more refined series of responses.

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no he swung I dodged, got in close head butted and sent his teeth thru his lip...bad part is it was one of my friends...hes got a scar to prove it.lol


actually...about 4 months ago now that i think about it....Rhett ran his mouth and was getting his ass kicked....I grabbed the guy on top of him and threw him head first into street meat cart...but I wouldnt consider that a fight...that was me ending it as usual.lol


So what you are saying is he knocked you out?

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Aside from the weekly sparring I used to do, about 8 months ago we had a party and this skinny drunk douchenozzle was hitting on my roommate's girlfriend. He was down the street so she came up to me and told me that the guy needed to be escorted out of the party since he wasn't taking a hint.


He was too drunk to really fight, but he refused to leave so I threw him down a flight of stairs. After that he tried to get back upstairs, so I got him in an armlock and brought him outside. He grabbed onto a fence for dear life, so I got behind him, got him in a rear choke and pulled. Well, he let go a bit easier than I'd anticipated so I ended up tossing him over my shoulder headfirst into my roommate's pass side quarterpanel, doing $700 worth of damage.


I was so fucking pissed off that I'd busted my friend's car that I dragged him down the street in a headlock, slammed his head against the railing of his front porch, and left him knocked out in the front yard. I saw him several weeks later and he had no idea who I was lol.


edit: I guess this doesn't really count as a fistfight since I never actually threw a punch

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Aside from the weekly sparring I used to do, about 8 months ago we had a party and this skinny drunk douchenozzle was hitting on my roommate's girlfriend. He was down the street so she came up to me and told me that the guy needed to be escorted out of the party since he wasn't taking a hint.


He was too drunk to really fight, but he refused to leave so I threw him down a flight of stairs. After that he tried to get back upstairs, so I got him in an armlock and brought him outside. He grabbed onto a fence for dear life, so I got behind him, got him in a rear choke and pulled. Well, he let go a bit easier than I'd anticipated so I ended up tossing him over my shoulder headfirst into my roommate's pass side quarterpanel, doing $700 worth of damage.


I was so fucking pissed off that I'd busted my friend's car that I dragged him down the street in a headlock, slammed his head against the railing of his front porch, and left him knocked out in the front yard. I saw him several weeks later and he had no idea who I was lol.


edit: I guess this doesn't really count as a fistfight since I never actually threw a punch



So what you are saying is that you got knocked out??

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Usually things don't come to blows. Either my wife or CHL will keep me from escalating any situations to a physical level. I've had to work on my temper for the last couple years. My first response used to be physical, now I settle with a slightly more refined series of responses.



How does it feel to have a vagina and still look like a man.

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Comforting. I just picked up a rubber fist I'm going to try tonight. You're welcome to stop by if you'd like.


Wow you talk real tough here on the internet but I dare you to come say this to my face. I've trained affliction for 12 yrs and have worked my way up to blue falcon status. I am that baddest man alive villages in africa paint murals off me as their god. I AM SAMMY D!!!!!!

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Wow you talk real tough here on the internet but I dare you to come say this to my face. I've trained affliction for 12 yrs and have worked my way up to blue falcon status. I am that baddest man alive villages in africa paint murals off me as their god. I AM SAMMY D!!!!!!


I do like it rough, what are your hourly rates? Sometimes I don't last the whole hour, will the fee be prorated based on performance?


Sent you pics, hope you like!

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Wow you talk real tough here on the internet but I dare you to come say this to my face. I've trained affliction for 12 yrs and have worked my way up to blue falcon status. I am that baddest man alive villages in africa paint murals off me as their god. I AM SAMMY D!!!!!!


So your sayin you got knocked out by a rubber fist?


On a more serious note, my job is one big never ending fist fight. It's seriously all I do. It's pretty cool. I get messed up all the time, but hey woman like good looking rich men with blackeyes and busted lips.


Do fisting fights count? Cause I got lots of those stories to tell.

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I was watching a band play at Skully's a little over a year ago and this drunk kid kept running through my group of friends and just being a dick (mouthing off to anyone and everyone around us) between bands. I eventually went up to him and just said "Hey man, I don't know what your problem is but.." and before I could finish that sentence, he swung at me and caught me in the back of the head somehow.


I wasn't looking for a fight at all but after that happened I snapped. My one punch connected with his jaw and started coming towards me again. At that point, I realized I still had my beer (bottle) in my other hand and a quick montage of every movie bar fight flashed in my head and as he came in, I moved a bit to the right and broke the bottle over his head (well, it didn't break in that awesome way, but the bottom of the bottle broke off).


After that, it was done and my adrenaline was still running crazy so I threw him out the back patio onto the concrete in what resulted as the worst thud sound I've ever heard. He was carried out and I was able to stay and watch the rest of the show because I had people vouching for me.


And yes, what I'm saying is I got knocked out, Sam.


Other than that, I think the last actual fight I was in was probably back in middle school and I got my ass kicked.

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