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iPhone vs Droid


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You are no better than an iphone fan boy.. You do the exact same things as them but you own a droid.


True story.


I buy things because I like them, not because of what the logo/brand is.


PS. I dont own a Droid

Edited by kickass
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That is better at EVERYTHING than your car.


Your point ? :D


I think I made it above gay boi, he bought an Audi. I'll spell it out for you Warren, I sure as fuck didn't buy my SUBARU because it is a "Subaru", I know the name Subaru just screams Luxury and status. Now take your Franks and Beans and zip it.

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i never use itunes i just transfer to it via ssh


Oh that is interesting. Is that through wireless or wired connection? Just curious there is a Dos program but all in Japanese to move data to a blackberry's internal memory. It is super difficult even with screen shots and a translation guide but it works! Otherwise you have to run the stupid RIM software with Admin access to unlock it. Copying to the memory card you can add to the phone though is another story. It is always unlocked and shows up as a removable drive when wired into a computer.

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Bullshit, you own a fucking Audi.


Exactly. If I wanted something for status or trendiness I would have bought a BMW or a Prius. Or maybe even a Honda because everyone knows they last forever.


AWD+TwinTurbo+Mod Friendly+Practicality+Affordability+Not a shitty interior=S4WINSAUCE (10 year old winsauce I might add)


If you were to walk into my house you wont just see 1 brand plastered everywhere on everything.


And its not that theres anything wrong with the brands mentioned above (except Prius, super gay), but buying somethign simply for the name and because its the cool thing to do right now.

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The fact that you ask that question shows me you talk shit about something you know nothing about BB fan boi.


Just because you can use wifi to move data over doesn't make the iPhone a good phone. I just wanted to know because I don't lurk on http://www.ifaptoanythingapple.com message boards like you do.

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If you were to walk into my house you wont just see 1 brand plastered everywhere on everything.


Oh it's plastered. :rolleyes: I was unaware Apple made home appliances, TVs and Home theaters. Can you direct me to that part of their website, I have a lot of cash to spend.

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Just because you can use wifi to move data over doesn't make the iPhone a good phone. I just wanted to know because I don't lurk on http://www.ifaptoanythingapple.com message boards like you do.


No you just dismiss a product that you have never really given the time of day, and just repeat whatever bullshit your boyfirends tell you why they hate it.


the difference is, I think BB are cool, and so is ANdroid, I just choose to keep my stuff apple becuase I found it to work better on Apple Products than it did When I ran a Vista Machine to use it with. I used my Brother-in-law's MacBook for a month everyday when I was in a wheelchair then waited over a year to purchase before I bought my first Mac Computer. The same for my iPhone, I used his for quite a while when I would see him each week, I was waiting for my contract to end with Verizon. My first iPhone was a 16GB 1st Gen, That should tell you I was not a first adopter. See the difference is, I used both PC and and Apple, and PREFER Apple based on my USAGE. Not what my friends tell me.

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the difference is, I think BB are cool, and so is ANdroid, I just choose to keep my stuff apple becuase I found it to work better on Apple Products than it did When I ran a Vista Machine to use it with. I used my Brother-in-law's MacBook for a month everyday when I was in a wheelchair then waited over a year to purchase before I bought my first Mac Computer. The same for my iPhone, I used his for quite a while when I would see him each week, I was waiting for my contract to end with Verizon. My first iPhone was a 16GB 1st Gen, That should tell you I was not a first adopter. See the difference is, I used both PC and and Apple, and PREFER Apple based on my USAGE. Not what my friends tell me.

Exactly. I use apple products because they do what I need them to do in a way that I like. I think the android OS is awesome, and no one in their right mind would dismiss the utility of a Blackberry. I just prefer Apple.


That said, I will not deny that there are apple fanbois. There is, and a lot of them. There are also microsoft fanbois, xbox fanbois, and audi fanbois. The challenge is separating the true consumer/enthusiast from the asshat.


Peanut butter and jelly is fantastic.

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I buy things because I like them, not because of what the logo/brand is.


PS. I dont own a Droid




What Brand/Logo were you referring to then in an iPhone vs Droid thread. It's implied, or else you would not have worded it that way.


One Brand/logo is not known by the general public, the other is Iconic.

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