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Jizzle Juice

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Your posts and thread dates say different:gtfo:

Jason I <3 you!

How's Chase treating you? A little birdy told me they're disabling the mute buttons on the phones now? Have fun with that.


Its such bullshit man I tell ya I'm going completely insane they added this bullshit about saying hello three times on DA calls and you have to wait 2secs between hellos which is fucking stupid then we get introuble if were on a call too long WTF I'm go insane!



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You know the recording that you get about "This call may be monitored." ? Well I get to be the monitor sometimes and what people say before the call is picked up and if they're put on hold is crazy! So if I hear that I’ll just start saying random shit or be like “I can hear you. Yeah, the person monitoring me, your line is live”. Just incase my call is monitored, it gives the person who’s easy dropping on the conversation something to laugh about.
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