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Mass Effect 2


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The problem with the first one is that, aside from having elevators that took too long, was that they couldn't really make up their mind about what type of game it was. The second one, from what I have read so far, is much more shooter like, and plays more like Gears of War. I didn't like the first one either, but may still play the second. (O hai, demonoid)
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I played for a couple hours and the game is still very story driven and has a bunch of cut scenes. I would say for every hour of shooting you are doing a hour of "other stuff". If you dont care about the story line of the game I would not suggest you play it. I will give it a play thru but I enjoyed what I have played so far.


If it doesnt pick up a little bit more I might not make it to the end.

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couldnt be worse than bayonetta...impossible.


Played the demo of this and at first, didn't think it would be all that great. By the end of the demo, I was starting it over. I enjoyed it. So, are you saying it's too hard to beat the game? I thought it'd be a game I'd pick up for the right price used or something.

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