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The iPad is offical


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If you own an apple Laptop, you know gestures by now on a track pad and maybe iPhone. This thing has many more gestures which are cool for browsing. I love gestures to navigate and do things without a mouse.



I have a gesture for Apple:






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All you haters said the iPhone was going to be an epic fail also. :lol:


I want to play with one. I think I might want it. For traveling on the bike, it's small and light enough to pack easily. I wish it had a webcam/camera. That's really the only thing it's missing to be perfect for my trips.

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All you haters said the iPhone was going to be an epic fail also. :lol:


I want to play with one. I think I might want it. For traveling on the bike, it's small and light enough to pack easily. I wish it had a webcam/camera. That's really the only thing it's missing to be perfect for my trips.


When the iPhone came out, there was no app store. At the time, it had less features than many other phones on the market..


This thing has what the iPhone spent years gaining in apps all at the start. This thing has a huge head start on the iPhone, and will probably sell just as well.

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I want to play with one. I think I might want it. For traveling on the bike, it's small and light enough to pack easily. I wish it had a webcam/camera. That's really the only thing it's missing to be perfect for my trips.


It does seem kind of stupid that they omitted a camera with some of the other upgrades they tossed in. If anything I would have expected maybe a front mounted camera for video conferencing/chat given their intended user.


They probably did it on purpose. In 1 year they will offer the iPadS, which will contain all of the stuff they could/should have included with this one.

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For traveling on the bike, it's small and light enough to pack easily. I wish it had a webcam/camera. That's really the only thing it's missing to be perfect for my trips.


They have these things called laptops, or netbooks, which can be had in similiar dimensions, which has more features, like webcams, and you can actually use it for things besides reading books and watching youtube. Or you can just use your iphone and do everything the ipad does already, even make phone calls.


Steve Jobs isnt retarded. This thing will sell like hotcakes because he has a cult following, and new, hip and trendy marketing. When he finally does die of a heart attack or whatever is wrong with him, I bet atleast 1 person commits suicide.

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He had pancreatic cancer, and recently had a Liver transplant.


As I said before, I think it is too close to my MacBook Air which is just about as small and has more features. Although having a 10 hr battery would be a plus. I carry my MacBook Air everywhere in my back pack. I don't even know it's in there.

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Its not that he has a cult following, its because he has created an incredible brand image of quality, luxury, and performance. Sort of what BMW pretends to be.


Credit is due here, he is one hell of a businessman and CEO. He knows how to run a business, and make a fortune off it.


I don't know what his political views are, but fuck it, Steve Jobs for President.

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A lot of people at Gizmodo are psyched about the iPad. Not me! My god, am I underwhelmed by it. It has some absolutely backbreaking failures that will make buying one the last thing I would want to do. Updated


Big, Ugly Bezel

Have you seen the bezel on this thing?! It's huge! I know you don't want to accidentally input a command when your thumb is holding it, but come on.


No Multitasking

This is a backbreaker. If this is supposed to be a replacement for netbooks, how can it possibly not have multitasking? Are you saying I can't listen to Pandora while writing a document? I can't have my Twitter app open at the same time as my browser? I can't have AIM open at the same time as my email? Are you kidding me? This alone guarantees that I will not buy this product.


No Cameras

No front facing camera is one thing. But no back facing camera either? Why the hell not? I can't imagine what the downside was for including at least one camera. Could this thing not handle video iChat?


Touch Keyboard

So much for Apple revolutionizing tablet inputs; this is the same big, ugly touchscreen keyboard we've seen on other tablets, and unless you're lying on the couch with your knees propping it up, it'll be awkward to use.



Want to watch those nice HD videos you downloaded from iTunes on your TV? Too damned bad! If you were truly loyal, you'd just buy an AppleTV already.


The Name iPad

Get ready for Maxi pad jokes, and lots of 'em!


No Flash

No Flash is annoying but not a dealbreaker on the iPhone and iPod Touch. On something that's supposed to be closer to a netbook or laptop? It will leave huge, gaping holes in websites. I hope you don't care about streaming video! God knows not many casual internet users do. Oh wait, nevermind, they all do.


Adapters, Adapters, Adapters

So much for those smooth lines. If you want to plug anything into this, such as a digital camera, you need all sorts of ugly adapters. You need an adapter for USB for god's sake.


Update: Why stop at 8? Here are more things we are discovering that suck about the iPad.


It's Not Widescreen

Widescreen movies look lousy on this thing thanks to its 4:3 screen, according to Blam, who checked out some of Star Trek on one. It's like owning a 4:3 TV all over again!


Doesn't Support T-Mobile 3G

Sure, it's "unlocked." But it won't work on T-Mobile, and it uses microSIMs that literally no one else uses.


A Closed App Ecosystem

The iPad only runs apps from the App Store. The same App Store that is notorious for banning apps for no real reason, such as Google Voice. Sure, netbooks might not have touchscreens, but you can install whatever software you'd like on them. Want to run a different browser on your iPad? Too bad!

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I like to think of myself as being pretty Cellphone aware, but up until today I've never heard of a microSIM.


I did a quick google search and found out that NO ONE is using it except for the iPad, and t-mobile announced that they will start using them in a couple of things that do not include cellphones. Probably mostly for the iPad.


I wasnt going to call FAIL but that gizmodo article changed my mind.

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I'm shocked at how cheap it is. I can see it being a hit. Hell, with 3rd party accessories and apps, just about any business in the US could take advantage of these. Not to mention everything else.



I still think it should of been called the MacPad.


Lol. I work for a huge company and I can guarantee that we won't use it. Our IT guys have been talking about how much the hate i-anything.

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My dad tells me I could replace the IT people at MAC :p


My dad tells me I don't work for Mac. My business card has 4 logos on it because I work for a parent company. Now I will grant you I am not happy with the IT people right now.

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Excuse me for not keeping up to date on your current place of employment.


Excuse me for not posting my current position which began at Mac. I guess I just don't put all my info online.

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