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Large bug Handler


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ya, ummmm fuck that, that fucking thing was HUGE!


anyone know what kind of spider it was?


Huntsman. Can grow up to a foot in diameter. Here's some info:



And lol@ the vid. That seemed like a pretty normal reaction to something like that. I've owned a shit load of insects and spiders and handled every one. However, I still wig out if I just caught a spider and now suddenly I can't find it or I walk thru a big web at night. :D

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They live in the crevices of tree bark, but will frequently wander into homes and vehicles. They are able to travel extremely fast, often using a springing jump while running, and walk on walls and even on ceilings. They also tend to exhibit a "cling" reflex if picked up, making them difficult to shake off and much more likely to bite



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Eh, the worst it would do is bite you and hurt a little.



My mind doesn't work that way with spiders. Where there is 1, there is 100 to me. I would never sleep again.


BTW - What did he think he was going to do if he got it into the bowl? Lower it down while it crawls up his arm and attacks his face?

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Stupid. Dude has no idea how to catch, well, anything. Use a section of newspaper to flip it off the ceiling, then use the paper to shoosh it into a container. The slip a lid on while you're taking the paper away. Tada, caught spider, dumbass! and you're not stepping in your perfectly good mixing bowl and scaring shit out of your kid.

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