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GT5.....keep waiting?


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I was just reading up on it yesterday because I'm getting tired of waiting for it. I read that it was pushed back in Japan, but will not effect the US release date. Also read that someone at Polyphony said that they could release the game at any time, but they could also keep working on it. I guess that means that they just keep adding things to it and making improvements.
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Do you want to play a half ass game or wait for the best game ever. I'll wait untill nov to play a 100% perfect game.


GTA5 will run laps around forza3


True dat


PS3 ftw. I must give XBL credit for putting the smack down on MW2 cheaters, if only PSN would do it now.

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GTA5 will run laps around forza3


probably so but by the time GT5 comes out x-box will be releasing Forza 4.




Also I heard the reason it was but on hold was due to issues they had with designing some of the cars being too life like. Like the GTR apparently once you mod it I will blow both the engine and trans and corrupts the game forcing you to have to replace it. :lol:

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do not agree, forza 3 is not a sim IMO its to arcady. GT5 will be a true SIM


agree...reasons why we haven't gotten a 360 for that game...heard it wasn't very real


would love to do iracing, but can't see paying a monthly fee for a sim and i don't have a computer that could handle gaming

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Also I heard the reason it was but on hold was due to issues they had with designing some of the cars being too life like. Like the GTR apparently once you mod it I will blow both the engine and trans and corrupts the game forcing you to have to replace it. :lol:



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GTA5 will run laps around forza3


yea im sure it will beat forza 3... but by the time gt5 is out forza wil lof alreaddy released another game... :jerkit: dont get me wrong i cant wait for gt5... but im to the point where im start to not care cause it keeps gettin delayed

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yea im sure it will beat forza 3... but by the time gt5 is out forza wil lof alreaddy released another game... :jerkit: dont get me wrong i cant wait for gt5... but im to the point where im start to not care cause it keeps gettin delayed

do you even own a PS3?

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lol @ PS3 owners...should have bought a 360 if you want to race in a sim.


That is why I own both.


do not agree, forza 3 is not a sim IMO its to arcady. GT5 will be a true SIM


This is all true.






LOL @ 360 owners who enjoy having their system in for repair 1/3 of the time they own it.


How's that HD-DVD working out for you?


My xbox 360 modded lasted over 3 years and I bought it used. So it was longer then 3 years. Also it was open not in a case on my entertainment stand. Dusty and shit and still worked.


Oh and the HD-DVD drive is awesome. I still use it to watch DVDs. I rather have that die then the main system dvd-rom die.

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GT3 and GT4 were disappointments. GT5 will need to be really good. As for F3 or GT5, frankly, there's more going on physics-wise in F3 than it seemed like in the GT5:P. So unless the full game ramps up the physics, I'm going to have to give it to Forza 3.


I'll still own both though. I'm that kind of whore. :D

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As for F3 or GT5, frankly, there's more going on physics-wise in F3 than it seemed like in the GT5:P. So unless the full game ramps up the physics, I'm going to have to give it to Forza 3.




I see how some of the features may come off arcade-like but the physics engine in Forza 3 definitely has the edge over what Prologue showed. Both games will have their pros and cons, just leave it at that.


I'll still be picking up GT5 if it comes out.

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