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Pipe Bending tips


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Hey guys, starting a project making bumpers for my truck. I was wondering if anybody had tips on bending tubing. I do have a manual pipe bender but sometimes it wrinkles the metal when bending it. Ive heard of putting a sock full of sand in the pipe before bending it and pulling it out after. Anyone hear that before or have any other tips that would be great. Thanks
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The sand works to a certain extent, but you will still notice some ovaling in the bend if the sand isn't packed in good. if you think this will be a process that you will be doing more (ie tubing bending) i would look on craigslist to see if anyone is selling a JD2 bender. they are manual rachet style tubing benders with interchangeable dies that can do 180* bends with little to no bend distortion. you can upgrade them later to a hydraulic ram so you do less work to do the bend. they are a pretty handy bender and you would be surprised how many people want to borrow it once you have one so you could rent it out to friends to offset the cost you paid for it.
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