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My home water useage seems really high...is it?


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Usage: 5600 gallons, 35 days. Del-Co Water



- 2003 built home

- 2 adults (my wife and I). During time period, she was gone 15 of those days. I was gone 2 of them. Daily showers when there, of course.

- Appliances all 7 months old - Whirlpool Gold dishwasher, Frigidaire front loader high efficency washing machine. Rarely hand-wash dishes.

- Normal clothes washing - each of us probably does 2-3 loads/week. Maybe less. Easily less while my wife was gone.

- No water leaks anywhere. No pooled water around the house, no faucets leaking, nadda. No signs of water useage that we don't mean to use.

- Home humidifier in the furnace, but that's doesn't use much water.

- Showers only, no baths. No car washing, power washing, nothing...it's winter!

- We don't leave the water running when brushing our teeth. Sometimes take a long shower. House has pretty average water pressure.


In comparison, my empty Reynoldsburg house, water is billed evey 3 months, and billed per 1000 gallons. From Oct-Dec (no one living there), I used 1000 gallons. I had also power washed the whole house and the roof (several hours of power washing), and have a dripping faucet. Also did a crap ton of painting there, so probably a couple hours worth total of water running to clean paint supplies. For the life of me I can't figure out how we used 5x that much at home in 1/3 the amount of time.

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I have a friend staying with me and my gf pretty much lives here (does laundry and such). It was only 1 person here for 10 days, and the bill was for 29 days and 3920 gallons were used.
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delco sucks i have them but seems about normal amount but drop one of those color leak tabs in toilets before leave for work so they sit in tank when no one is home if bowl is blue when get back fix said toilet they are usually the problem
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