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I hate taxes!!!!!!!!


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What he is saying why let the government hold your money when you could have it as part of your regular paycheck.


shit id rather them hold my money for the year then get a big chunk back other than a hundered here and a hundred there. I can save money pretty well but having them save it for me without me doing helps me. Now I know a lot of people are probably like take that money and set it aside and a cd and let that money build you intrest....idc about that.

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My wife and I both claim single 0 and when it comes to tax time at least we don't have to worry about paying in. We also have my son to claim who was born a couple years back. We should be getting back in the region of 4k. Last year was much nicer we got back 5k or so, but she earned less that year.


Nice to get something back, but it all goes back to paying off bills :(

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shit id rather them hold my money for the year then get a big chunk back other than a hundered here and a hundred there. I can save money pretty well but having them save it for me without me doing helps me. Now I know a lot of people are probably like take that money and set it aside and a cd and let that money build you intrest....idc about that.


Yes, the rest of us are making fun of you for that... :lol:

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I don't know why government officials don't just institute a percentage flat tax. And quit making incentives to have kids. We have enough of a population on this earth, if people wanna have kids, let them do it on their own accord, and not for some economic incentive. Cut the work force of the IRS probably AT LEAST in half with this measure, create jobs and increase our GDP by reducing the crowding out, caused by Govt expenditures.


C+G+I+NX= GDP. Simple equation, and you think it would be well understood by the administration, considering they know whats best for our economy. Ridiculous.

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