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Why do people take away the fun from games?

V8 Beast

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Why do people feel the need to exploit games flaws and cheat? Every game I start to like online people feel the need to cheat or find programming flaws. Forza you have people lagging the connection and making you run into walls. Halo... too many to count. And now COD has joined the lame gamer club. I may only play the game once or twice a week but I'm not playing COD again until they patch that care package bs.
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You have two basic types of cheaters in COD, or overall really.


The Cheater-Griefer is out to specifically ruin everyone else's fun. That becomes the game, the actual game is the means to an end. This person is a depraved loser. Other forms of non-cheater Griefing may include (but are not limited to), blocking a route such as a bridge or a door, and not moving. Mobbing up on low level characters in PVP, and/or robbing them of their lowliest game possessions to make more difficult their noobly situation. Or almost any other way to not "play right". The second type of griefing can be really hilarious if done right (assuming you're not the victim, though sometimes even that can be funny).


Also there is the Booster-Cheater, the meta-game (leveling up to an arbitrary number, or getting a higher prestige level) whore. This person is even lowlier than the Cheater-Griefer because at least they have a humorous goal in mind, even if they are total dicks about it. The Booster-Cheater actually assigns value to the in-game rewards, and works dilligently to chase that goal, as opposed to actually having fun playing the intended game. Hilariously this person often loses interest in the game after reaching said pointless goal.

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Can't stand it. You can't take any pride of accomplishment if you've cheated. You haven't earned it, I'm not better than you or anyone else, and you've completely ruined the point of the game. And why? Because either you're an ass, have no life and this is it for you or you actually think you're impressing someone with your skill. And I guess, there's just the lazy, unskilled who do it, as well.


Of course, the ultimate compliment I've received is someone accusing me of cheating when I'm not.

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You lie! I heard you set up Star Wars dolls in your bedroom, tape glow sticks to your penis, and tell your wife to use the force.


Sex games are different than video games. Have you ever gotten a blowjob while she makes lightsaber noises? Heaven.

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Next time you join up, we'll play regular Domination. No Ground War, I'm fed up with it.


I just spent an hour getting killed by chopper gunner, ac130's, predator missles, etc. 5 different matches and everyone had a kid that went from 4 kills to 30 without leaving his trusty corner of the map.

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I just wonder how shit like this gets in the final product of such a huge game? I mean there were unlimited ammo (including gernade's from the launchers) at one point. You didn't have to even reload it. So stupid... How does this happens? I mean seems like you'd have to code it to happen with how ridiculous some of these glitches are...


None the less I hate the carepackage glitch. It was pretty funny for the first few days before it hit the web. Now You can't go one game without at least one person doing it, hell its a good game if only one noob is doing it. Playing scrapyard the otherday and had 2 on our team and three on the other team doing it. ON SCRAPYARD... so dumb.

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Because they are so bad at the games to begin with they have to cheat to make it fun.


Games aren't fun if you lose all the time. You're bitching about losing right now, do something to change the outcome so it's fun again. (In your case it's quit playing, the cheaters is well, cheating.)

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Cheating on a game is fine if you are playing by yourself. Cheating on multiplayer is wrong. It means you have no skills. People used to say I cheated on CS but I have never used any aimbots or wall hacks in that game. I just knew where everyones' head would be at a distance and always aimed there and shot 1-3 times. Always getting headshots. Fools need to learn how to duck more often.
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I wouldn't really say thats true in all cases. To me its just people taking the cheap and easy way out. I could actually go kill people or I could sit in a corner and call in overpowered constant airdrops for helicopters, etc. etc. and just overwhelm the enemy.


Everyone practically uses the glitch new players old players, crappy and good players. its all the same.

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