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WTB: Older iPod


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I just had bought the new shuffle and wouldn't you know it's size actually came back to bite me in the ass, left in my shorts went through the wash. So I need a new small sized iPod to use at the gym. I've been taking my iPhone an I am so afraid to break I need something else. So cliffs:


- iPod shuffle dies

- need something similar or atleast smaller than my iPhone

- I don't need a ton of gigs my shuffle was only 4 an I had 48 songs on it just to lift too


thanks for the help

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My buddy had set of the wireless ones and you had to keep his iPod relatively close to him in order for it to work, I would out at Planet Fitness and I don't really want to set it down anywhere, I'd much rather resort to buying another cheapy iPod compared to my $400 iPhone. Looks like I might have to resort to craigslist.
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