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Apple is shooting themselves in the foot


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Almost 100% of people with a modded xbox 360 did it so they could play backups, or download games for free and not pay for them.


Stop talking. You just admitted you're defending thievery. Sorry, pay for your shit or don't play.

If by "backup" you mean a copy made in case your original disc gets fucked up somehow, well, I don't own a single unusable CD or DVD. Take care of your discs and you don't need backups.


The ONLY reason I defend jailbreaking iPhones is that it's the only way to enable your iPhone to use software not developed or approved by Apple. Those who use it to pirate Apple-approved software are the same as people who pirate any other kind of media or software.

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Stop talking. You just admitted you're defending thievery. Sorry, pay for your shit or don't play.

If by "backup" you mean a copy made in case your original disc gets fucked up somehow, well, I don't own a single unusable CD or DVD. Take care of your discs and you don't need backups.


The ONLY reason I defend jailbreaking iPhones is that it's the only way to enable your iPhone to use software not developed or approved by Apple. Those who use it to pirate Apple-approved software are the same as people who pirate any other kind of media or software.


Did you miss my previous post where I said I own 2 360s? Why don't you go back and check it out. I own a modded and unmodded system plus actual games I bought at the store. I have never admitted to not doing this. In fact my unmodded xbox 360 is the 3rd one I have bought. So get off my nuts and think before you speak.

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