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Moving a Safe

John Bruh

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I am purchasing a safe for my guns and other valuables and need to move it. I would like to do this myself to save a little money, I know several guys that powerlift so I can get enough people on the safe to move it.


My question is I want to put this in my basement. The safe weighs 1105lbs empty. I can't have people actually lifting it while where walking it down stairs in case one of the stairs gives I don't want 1000lb landing on someone that could hurt them severly. So is there any thing I can rent from like lowes or HD that balance the weight of the safe evenly over all the stairs.


Should I just lay it down flat and place cardboard and bed comforters so it does not damage the safe?

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Get a refridgerator moving cart and move it in two pieces (door and safe). I did this for a slightly smaller one and did it by myself but it was only into the house and up a couple of steps. A rental place can probably rent you the cart or if you have a buddy at an appliance store they might be able to hook you up.
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Vances uses a company that handles this. It's a third party company. I think it was called Pete's Moving company. I would have them do it... Less liability that way IMO.


That's why I was waiting for him to say if he was buying it from a store or a private party. When they delivered my dad's safe I remember them saying they weren't big fans of moving safes from one house to another.

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I'm buying it from ohio valley. They do not include delivery. I called the guy that they use he said it would cost $350 and I would rather not spend that money.


Anyone have any more info on the fridge moving device? the stairs are U shaped.


Should I get extra wood and reienforce the steps bracing?

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I'm buying it from ohio valley. They do not include delivery. I called the guy that they use he said it would cost $350 and I would rather not spend that money.


Anyone have any more info on the fridge moving device? the stairs are U shaped.


Should I get extra wood and reienforce the steps bracing?


having seen lots of safes moved, I would recommend just hiring the guy to do it.

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I'm buying it from ohio valley. They do not include delivery. I called the guy that they use he said it would cost $350 and I would rather not spend that money.


Anyone have any more info on the fridge moving device? the stairs are U shaped.


Should I get extra wood and reienforce the steps bracing?


I helped a friend move a 900 lbs safe from the first floor of his house down 2 steps and with I think 4 or 5 of us is was insainly hard to do. There is no way I would do that down a set of steps. spend the money to have it moved the preson will know what they are doing and will have the correct equipment and if anything goes wrong will be insured to cover the damages.

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+10 on having it done. That kind of weight poses all sorts of problems, starting with the question, can the stairs handle that kind of weight. I'd hate to see you save yourself $350 and cost yourself $1000 in repairs.


If you're bound and determined to do it yourself you might look into renting an appliance dolly. It's what the moving guys use to move refrigerators. Uhaul has some nice ones that have roller belts for going up and down stairs. And I agree with moving it in pieces if at all possible. The less weight the better.

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The fridge cart or appliance dolley is a tall two wheel cart with a strap to hold the appliance on it and some special creaper tracks on the back to aid in going up and down stairs. They can be rented from local places like Sunbeam or possibly lowes. Keep in mind when you move it in two pieces it's only like 500 lbs each because the door is heavier than it looks. I've moved mine 3 times and each time the only thing I need help with is setting the door back on the hinges.
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The fridge cart or appliance dolley is a tall two wheel cart with a strap to hold the appliance on it and some special creaper tracks on the back to aid in going up and down stairs. They can be rented from local places like Sunbeam or possibly lowes. Keep in mind when you move it in two pieces it's only like 500 lbs each because the door is heavier than it looks. I've moved mine 3 times and each time the only thing I need help with is setting the door back on the hinges.


+1, use an appliance dolly. An big old guy and I moved our 800 lb safe down into our basement with one and it was a piece of cake.

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I just called the guy that vances use's (pete) and he basically told me that he would lay the safe down with the top facing the bottom of the first plane of stairs, then once its on that landing flip it up and rotate it and slide it down the second set of stairs that way it lands on the bottom. He said I shouldnt worry about the stairs breaking it was just getting it turned around the second time because he only has 1 other guy with him. But im not cared about that I have 5-6 lifters that are going to help me.



This just reasured myself that I should be fine. I have a lot of extra carpet from when we re-carpeted our house so im going to lay the safe on the bottom on the carpet (the rough part) and slide it to the stairs then slide it down and flip it. I will completly cover the safe with carpet to insure no damage to it and to prevent damage to the walls.

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My friend has one of these. I would just pay someone to move it. $350 is a lot cheaper than a blown disc and a lifetime of pain!!!!!


There won't be that much strain. the safe will sliding on carpet so it won't require that much energy/effort. The only problem will be turning it and with 5 other guns lifted probably 2/3 of the weight I don't see a problem.

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There won't be that much strain. the safe will sliding on carpet so it won't require that much energy/effort. The only problem will be turning it and with 5 other guns lifted probably 2/3 of the weight I don't see a problem.


I have heard that story before! No one ever expects to get hurt but accidents happen. Be careful.

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