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University Employees, need advice

Radio Flyer1647545514

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So I've been dealing with a huge mess with my school and some financial problems so to speak.


I attended Autumn 09 Semester at OSU Newark. I took out all the money I was allowed to for my Subsidized loan and payed the rest of the balance off with cash.


On October 23rd of 2009 I was withdrawn from school BY THE UNIVERSITY for failure to pay funds. I was $2 dollars under balance. I missed the notification and did not find out about this happening until Autumn Quarter was over and I went to schedule for Winter 09.


Realizing I had no grades I went to my adviser to try and get this worked out. She said that she could try and find my grades but there would be no guarantee and that I should schedule for Winter courses anyway.


The day Winter 09 began I went to the school to see if they had found my grades because I needed them for pre-reqs for Winter. I didn't have any grades down, couldn't get into the same classes by this time and told them to withdraw me from Winter 09.


Now I have a balance of FULL Tuition from August 09 on my account, with no grades posted so I try and get this taken off of my account. I've been back and forth with them for months and I get an E-Mail today stating that since I completed the quarter I'm responsible for paying for the classes.


What I want to do is go take the classes again since I have a full stack of graded papers sitting here that I can transfer work onto new sheets.


I got kicked out, refunded in full and attended school while I WAS NOT ENROLLED. Now they say since I attended I have to pay, even though I don't want the grades to count or anything of that sort.


Are they just not understanding the situation completely, or is this how it works these days? They just want to take my money.


Now they caused me to miss out on Winter quarter and possibly make me miss out on my Spring 09 quarter because I won't have the funds to pay for Autumn 09 and Spring 10 at the same time.

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I think I am missing something. If they refunded your money, why not just pay that to them?


Because then I have to come up with another 700+ to pay for this upcoming quarter.


I planned on using the money they refunded me to re-take the classes. Once I had found out that I was removed and couldn't attend Winter I put tuition money at car repairs and getting a few months ahead on my bills and put 700 away so I could pay for Spring classes.


Now they expect me to pay for the classes that THEY kicked me out of and this upcoming quarter, which I can't afford and that means financial aid will expect me to start paying back the loan money because I won't be in school for the time being.


I basically just want them to take actions for their mistakes and not just dig into my pockets trying to get money.

As much as I should have checked up on everything myself the OSU Staff told me to pay xxx dollars which I did and they caused me to be short in tuition, which caused me to get kicked out of school and have all this happen.


I shouldn't have to make sure someone else is doing their job correctly.

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