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so i almost bought the EMP.


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so i was dead set on buying the EMP, until i saw the SR9 compact...


The thing is i already have an SR9 full size and love the shit out of it, having it in a compact size would most likely make me "jizz in my pants" :bangbang:


plus the SR9 is cheeper...so i didn't get the EMP and yet again i cant decide which gun to buy.

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EMP is one of the top of the line compact guns. If you have the money to buy one you should. There's a lot of other guns I'd rather buy than a Ruger (not that they are horrible, but a lot better guns out there).
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the SR9 compact was interesting and tempting,but I held off.

still looking for a S&W CS9 or CS40.

they're patterned,in principle,after the S&W 36/60 chief specials.I saw a CS9 at a gun show up here.You don't see them often because of CCW frenzy.

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