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Dr Rick


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Well as some know I have a bad back and I do mean bad I've had two back operations (laminectamy's) sp? And I am currently working on pain pills (oxycotin) just soi can walk into work and sit. I do have two slipped disks by my surgon said lose weight and it'll go away l.


Well I've lost like 25 lbs and it's gotten worse (over the course of almost a yr) I would rather not have anothe surgery but I may have too,


My question is in your opinion do you think chiropratic's would work for me ? The disks are L4 5 and one above or below it ( I can't remember)


anyone is welcome to comment as I just don't want to e in pain anymore or be taking this much oxycotin


oh and I have no issue with going to the bathroom yet but last time I did

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anyone is welcome to comment as I just don't want to e in pain anymore or be taking this much oxycotin

I know nothing about it, but it seems like it would be worth a consult w/ a Chiropractor. Try it out, unless he is fairly sure it's not something he can help.


Option 2:

1. Stop taking meds

2. Call ya' Mom

3. Wear the shirt below

4. Sell Oxy to WT

5. ?????

6. Profit



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Well as some know I have a bad back and I do mean bad I've had two back operations (laminectamy's) sp? And I am currently working on pain pills (oxycotin) just soi can walk into work and sit. I do have two slipped disks by my surgon said lose weight and it'll go away l.


Well I've lost like 25 lbs and it's gotten worse (over the course of almost a yr) I would rather not have anothe surgery but I may have too,


My question is in your opinion do you think chiropratic's would work for me ? The disks are L4 5 and one above or below it ( I can't remember)


anyone is welcome to comment as I just don't want to e in pain anymore or be taking this much oxycotin


oh and I have no issue with going to the bathroom yet but last time I did


The problem with lumbar spine surgical intervention is it rarely solves the pain. Sometimes surgery must be done due to something like cauda equina syndrome, other than that surgery should be done only as a very last resort.


Since you had surgery the first thing that comes to mind may be the issue of scar tissue. Anytime you under go surgery the body responds by laying down tissue that is not as pliable as the original tissue. Therefore pain can develop from that. Another issue is the outer layers of the disc do have nerve supply and if the disc has been cut on the research is showing the nerves will migrate deeper into the disc producing a situation of chronic pain.


Losing weight helps many people with chronic low back pain but keep in mind, there are plenty of patients that are thin that have debilitating back pain. Losing 25# is great but if you weighed 350 before and you now weigh 325, that is good but may not be enough.


Long term outlook for taking pain meds is not good either. Life expectancy for chronic pain patient is significantly decreased.


Can Chiropractic help? Maybe IDK it is very hard to examine someone over the net. If you need a referral in Columbus let me know. I would also be happy to check you out an see if I think a chiro can help. Very few people are past the point were I cant make improvements in the quality of life.

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You definintely have my sympathy as I had back surgery due to a martial arts injury in 1994.


I had a laminectamy of L5S1. I also cracked two vertebrae. All healed up just fine and I went from a 13mm displacement to being perfect all these years later.


I do occasionally get a little stiff from what they said is a small amount of scar tissue, but I've been taking the Shark Cartilage, etc..pills for years now on a regular basis and whether it works or not, I can say I'm fine.


The surgeon basically said if after 5 years I was good, then I'd likely be 100% for life so long as I don't do stupid shit....like martial arts :( I exercise with weights but won't lift anything crazy or put it up over my head.

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I just went through a 12 session (was going to be 20, more on that later) chiro plan late in 09. My words of wisdom are to visit a couple places before deciding on one. I was to the point I could not get off the floor/couch/bed to walk at all, so I went to the closest and fastest I could find in the phone book.


I didn't believe in them at all but I was desperate.


This place - Ohio Chiropractics oh Heath - or something like that was a joke. Front desk guy who doubled as the phys. therapy guy, massage girl who quit the day I was supposed to get my first massage, back wraps that never came in, over-billing for treatments, etc.


In the end, I am ok now, but my gut tells me I would have healed on my own. Your case sounds more severe.

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I just went through a 12 session (was going to be 20, more on that later) chiro plan late in 09. My words of wisdom are to visit a couple places before deciding on one. I was to the point I could not get off the floor/couch/bed to walk at all, so I went to the closest and fastest I could find in the phone book.


I didn't believe in them at all but I was desperate.


This place - Ohio Chiropractics oh Heath - or something like that was a joke. Front desk guy who doubled as the phys. therapy guy, massage girl who quit the day I was supposed to get my first massage, back wraps that never came in, over-billing for treatments, etc.


In the end, I am ok now, but my gut tells me I would have healed on my own. Your case sounds more severe.


What do you mean by over billing? Most people think they are being over billed because they don't understand insurance coding, or they just don't want to pay a bill.

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Are inversion tables helpful? I've been dealing with back pain over the years and I've had several people recommend them


Some people find relief with them. Just because one person had success does not mean your will. It works the other way too.


Inversion, is non specific and works ok for facet syndrome, but if you have a disc bulge the angle of the pull will not be specific enough to provide any long term fix.

Edited by HAOLE
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What do you mean by over billing? Most people think they are being over billed because they don't understand insurance coding, or they just don't want to pay a bill.


I mean they charged my insurance for 2 more visits than I had.


They charged for massages I never received (because their employee quit, not b/c I failed to show).


They charged for a back brace that "never seemed to get delivered".


That's what I mean. The place was a joke.

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I mean they charged my insurance for 2 more visits than I had.


They charged for massages I never received (because their employee quit, not b/c I failed to show).


They charged for a back brace that "never seemed to get delivered".


That's what I mean. The place was a joke.


Then I would file a complaint with the insurance company. No excuses for that stuff.

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