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Jesus Cr is lame now


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With the warm weather coming soon, I would of thought i would of seen a few shit talking threads, but I guess not. I might as well go sell the car now.


Sam text/call me I'am always ready to go out and have some fun. :racing:

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Why does everyone want to race online anyway? So there is less shit talking online about races. How many of the shit talking thread actualy resulted in a race? As long as there are people still attending track days and there are still races in mexico, I could care less about the online racing... but hey, if that's what gets you all jacked up then have at it!
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Why does everyone want to race online anyway? So there is less shit talking online about races. How many of the shit talking thread actualy resulted in a race? As long as there are people still attending track days and there are still races in mexico, I could care less about the online racing... but hey, if that's what gets you all jacked up then have at it!


Quoted for truth...


I have seen a few of the people in this thread actually at the track. Heck Sam and Anthony's race thread for 42 was really good and ended in a race.


Most of the people who bitch about this site I have yet to see in person at a track day with a car that runs.


Walk softly and carry a big camshaft that is the best way to operate...

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I've said this before but some mods have ruined this forum... they delete any thread that's not about fucking fat chics, guns, or stupid threads about getting married and knocking up their fat wife.


Throw out some names then. Who does that? And let us know what threads have been closed. You can link them here.

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Throw out some names then. Who does that? And let us know what threads have been closed. You can link them here.




God forbid someone have an opinion, or just plain not like you and voice it. Does it really matter who he's talking about? ( to you prolly and you'll try to pump your fist at me now cuz I'm pointing out that no one really cares )

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No I think it's shitty that the "Mods" get blamed for closing threads when we don't. I haven't closed a thread or deleted a thread that was just shit talking. I close threads that are done like when something sells. Nor Have I seen other "mods" close shit talking threads. And to Archie's comment you absolutely can view "closed" threads, just not post in them. I have asked for proof in the past and nobody can provide any. There is always an excuse. I'm not mad at all, I just want to see some fucking proof before people run off with their man pleasers. He is the one that typed "I'll say it again", so i will ask again, and look I got the same response. Lazy fuckers. y'all can run you man pleasers all day on here but have nothing to back up your "opinion". Whatever.


Even if the thread was deleted, Give me some details on what the "great shit talking thread" is about that was closed. Anything.


Also For everybody's info since many refuse to pay attention, every thread gets closed on this site automatically after 6 months of nobody posting in it. So consider that before pointing to "mods".


The only shit talking threads that get deleted or edited, are the ones between sponsors, and well you damn well better know it's the owner of this site that handles that shit not the mods, so if you are talking about that, Take it up with Anthony and at least have the fucking balls to call him out.

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they delete any thread that's not about fucking fat chics, guns, or stupid threads about getting married and knocking up their fat wife.

I was just going to start a new thread about all of those things, but not now.

No one appreciates my interests.


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No I think it's shitty that the "Mods" get blamed for closing threads when we don't. I haven't closed a thread or deleted a thread that was just shit talking. I close threads that are done like when something sells. Nor Have I seen other "mods" close shit talking threads. And to Archie's comment you absolutely can view "closed" threads, just not post in them. I have asked for proof in the past and nobody can provide any. There is always an excuse. I'm not mad at all, I just want to see some fucking proof before people run off with their man pleasers. He is the one that typed "I'll say it again", so i will ask again, and look I got the same response. Lazy fuckers. y'all can run you man pleasers all day on here but have nothing to back up your "opinion". Whatever.


Even if the thread was deleted, Give me some details on what the "great shit talking thread" is about that was closed. Anything.


Also For everybody's info since many refuse to pay attention, every thread gets closed on this site automatically after 6 months of nobody posting in it. So consider that before pointing to "mods".


The only shit talking threads that get deleted or edited, are the ones between sponsors, and well you damn well better know it's the owner of this site that handles that shit not the mods, so if you are talking about that, Take it up with Anthony and at least have the fucking balls to call him out.






This is what happens when you give a kid just a smidge of no real power.


He becomes Irate ( notice the mac ref) and now he will comment on my grammer or lack of commas.


The fact that you really do care about what was said is the best part of cr today, you're acting like a douche "prove it" grow up and really not care don't just act like you don't.

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It's all good, I will just start deleting shit, that way when you all complain. It will at least be true. Then I will be the one that really doesn't care.




Are you really throwing a tantrum?


You need to step away from the Internet for awhile, before your real life suffers.

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