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I have an uncle that was governor of Kentucky back around the civil war era. If you travel through Lexington, our family name is peppered about. Restaurants (De Sha's) and a couple streets. Means jack shit to me. He reportedly owned slaves, so I'm not exactly proud.

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my cousin had a hand in the making of the iraq conflict. she was one of the lead weapons inspectors that saddam tried so hard to trick and mess with for however many years. here is a time line thing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_disarmament_crisis_timeline_1997%E2%80%932000

but this is the part about her:

September 25, 1997

  • UNSCOM inspects an Iraqi "food laboratory". One of the inspectors, Dr. Diane Seaman, enters the building through the back door and catches several men running out with suitcases. The suitcases contained log books for the creation of illegal bacteria and chemicals. The letterhead comes from the president's office and from the Special Security Office (SSO).
  • UNSCOM attempts to inspect the SSO headquarters but is blocked.

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I'm guessin' most of mine were probably Nazi's - but one cousin is a opera singer in Germany still. Dunno how famous she is though.


Yeah, my family might be all Nazi's also... My great grandfather came from Germany!! I was told that someone on my mothers side of the family was a king somewhere..I've got Royal blood, but who really knows! I don't see any of the money so who really cares!

BTW, my Bday is July 13th also.. just like Julius Caeser's

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Lineage traced back to England and Germany. Makes me a Son of the American Revolution. (SAR) And my Sister a DAR. Young British Leftenant got off the ship in Williamsburg, either the 2nd or 4th ship arriving. Nobody knows for sure, the records were destroyed in Sherman's march through Virginia. He was the son of an English soldier in an Irish occupation, who married an Irish girl. Some migrated to Kentucky, some to Georgia, some stayed in Virginia. Ancestors fought on both sides of the civil war. One ancestor was commander of Fort Pitt. One in England was granted the Knight's Cross, those don't come easy. It's like our Medal of Honor only rather rare. Mom was one of the first women in Ohio to fly an airplane. Dad trained astronauts in how to fly the Apollo CSM & LEM. Got a cousin in Germany that won the Berlin half distance Marathon one year. I hear Amelia Earhart is a 6th cousin, but any family in the USA for at least 6 generations, has half of the population as a 6th cousin. My uncle invented a potato chip process, that was grabbed up by all when the patent expired. They all use it now. His real claim to fame was inventing shuffle board wax. It made him rich. Another uncle developed the vidicon. That's the "eyeball" tv unit on the front of an air-to-surface weapon carried by most every military aircraft everywhere. Fun stuff... way more than you wanted to know...

I edited out stuff I've invented, boring, but ask me sometime who invented the "Jaws of Life". I was there. Very cool.

Edited by ReconRat
blah blah blah
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Yeah, my family might be all Nazi's also... My great grandfather came from Germany!! I was told that someone on my mothers side of the family was a king somewhere..I've got Royal blood, but who really knows! I don't see any of the money so who really cares!

BTW, my Bday is July 13th also.. just like Julius Caeser's

Not all of them. Germans who came to America were fleeing what they didn't like in Germany. Same in my family. Certainly those from Bavaria weren't all that excited about German empiricism.

Funny story... Germans way back didn't have last names. In order to accurately collect taxes, the Emperor Maximilian had them all adopt last names. They liked their emperor so much (*cough*), they all named themselves "Max" for a last name.

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Cool stuff.. yeah.. who invented the Jaws of Life?? I should know this being I'm a firefighter and use the damn thing! HAHAHA

short version: the last time I googled it, two people were claiming to have invented it. Both claimed timeframes after what I know. Makes me laugh. In 1975, a senior in Industrial Product Design at OSU, built one for an ARCO competition. I helped him. Molds, castings, gears, motors, batteries, hydraulic pump, lines and valve, backpack, the whole iron man outfit. He won. ARCO happily bought it. Slammed a cinder block on the table, stuck it with the jaws, and blew it apart during the demo. Yes, was very cool. I think it was ARCO Engineering, Inc of Georgia. It would be interesting to find the original patent and see who's listed.

argh, just shot myself in the foot. Guess I was wrong, this predates it.

ok, here it is. One year before what I know. Now I know why ARCO never patented it, they were too late. There's still some goof balls out there that claim it. I never saw any reference material that related to what this Hurst guy did. What can I say... not saying that it's identical to ours, dunno...

United States Patent 3819153 - Rescue Tool

Inventor Hurst, George H. (Huntingdon Valley, PA)

US Patent filed on 04/26/1972

US Patent published on 06/25/1974


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