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woot! Google FiberOptic lines


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LOL, the county can wish, accept, and pray all they want - doesn't mean it will happen. Their dream of having it border to border is even more of a pipe dream. If Google is going to run fiber, it sure as hell isn't going to be running it in rural parts of Delaware. Way too many feet of fiber per homes past.
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Actually. Google might do it. So they can install a 1Gb line into areas that dont have service. But after everyone has bought it, itll be as slow as dial up and charged as much as cable. Yay google.!
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except for most stuff on the net can't support anything close to that.


Oh I could make it happen. FTP and usenet servers at the same time. Yes maxing my connection would be easy. I can't wait until the bottleneck is the speed my hard drive can write the data.

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Are most of you idiots?


READ THE ARTICLE. Google didn't agree to any of this. Delware county just said they want Google to do this. I'm sure 100's of other counties said the same thing.


I guarantee the only way Google would spend the money in Delaware county is if Delaware opened its pocket books...a LOT. Otherwise, they are going to pick a densely populated area where running fiber won't cost a large fortune. It's all business...Delaware county would be a bad business plan.

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OK, you guys have hit a cord with me on this subject.

I went for a job interview today with AT & T, selling the new U-Verse.

The money is off the wall crazy !!!!


I am NOT what I call modern, but do understand cable, internet, and phone service through them. One of the things the interviewer was saying I did not understand was the 24 meg downstream, WHAT IS THAT ???




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OK, you guys have hit a cord with me on this subject.

I went for a job interview today with AT & T, selling the new U-Verse.

The money is off the wall crazy !!!!


I am NOT what I call modern, but do understand cable, internet, and phone service through them. One of the things the interviewer was saying I did not understand was the 24 meg downstream, WHAT IS THAT ???




LOL, good luck selling U-verse.

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Are most of you idiots?


READ THE ARTICLE. Google didn't agree to any of this. Delware county just said they want Google to do this. I'm sure 100's of other counties said the same thing.


I guarantee the only way Google would spend the money in Delaware county is if Delaware opened its pocket books...a LOT. Otherwise, they are going to pick a densely populated area where running fiber won't cost a large fortune. It's all business...Delaware county would be a bad business plan.


Gmail is bad business plan. Android has no business plan. Eric Schmidt is a real stand up guy, money isn't what influences him to push his company to do such things.

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OK, you guys have hit a cord with me on this subject.

I went for a job interview today with AT & T, selling the new U-Verse.

The money is off the wall crazy !!!!


I am NOT what I call modern, but do understand cable, internet, and phone service through them. One of the things the interviewer was saying I did not understand was the 24 meg downstream, WHAT IS THAT ???






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My past experience with U-verse:


I move into an apartment so I'm in the market for cable, couple days later 2 guys come to the door selling u-verse, I look everything over and it sounded good so I told them to go ahead and set up an appointment. Guy shows up a few days later, long story short tells me he couldn't install it for some goofball reason so I called TW and they installed it no problem. About a week or so after this an AT&T dude comes by to ask me how I'm enjoying my U-verse, told him what happened, then he told me that the guy must have been mistaken and tries to sell it to me again. Clusterfuck.


The chances that Google will choose Delaware to install this network is pretty slim, but it's not crazy to think that it might happen.

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Then enlighten me, IS IT BAD ???


That is why I am asking.


Yes, the product is bad.


It is bad due to the fact the wanted to use Twisted Pair into the house, instead of Fiber into the house, ala Verizon FIoS.


So broken down, ATT U-Verse offers you ~25 Mbps (correct me if I'm Wrong) total bandwidth to your house.


Every SD Channel you watch is between 500k and 2 Mbps.

Every HD Channel you watch is 3 Mbps to 6 Mbps (this is where there 4 concurrent HD Channels per home comes into play)

Phone Calls are next to nothing

Then you have internet.


So lets say you are watching HD Sports at 5 Mbps, your Significant Other is watching an HD program at 5 Mbps, and your kid is watching an HD Program at 5 Mbps. You tied up 15 Mb or your 25Mb for your home. So now you want to DL some Porn on the internet, and you signed up for their 18 Mbps package. Your ass isn't going to get more than 10Mbps, because you, your wife, and your kid are watching TV.


ATT did the right thing by going to all IP Services for their product, but they used the wrong Transport Medium to the home. VDSL just isn't the way to go.

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Oh I could make it happen. FTP and usenet servers at the same time. Yes maxing my connection would be easy. I can't wait until the bottleneck is the speed my hard drive can write the data.


I agree there. Usenet and Bit Torrent would be about the only ways you could ever use so much Bandwidth.


I have a hard time using my 100Mb service at home. Most of the time w/ 20 Concurrent connections to Giganews, I can only get 40-50 Mbps.

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I agree there. Usenet and Bit Torrent would be about the only ways you could ever use so much Bandwidth.


I have a hard time using my 100Mb service at home. Most of the time w/ 20 Concurrent connections to Giganews, I can only get 40-50 Mbps.


I get 2MB/s easy with rr turbo and my usenet account :D

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